Classroom News 

So good to be back!!!

Year 5/6 Classroom News

It has been absolutely brilliant seeing all your children return to school this week! It's been a real 'shot in the arm' for everyone at Sacred Heart to see their smiling faces and to hear the innocent sounds of kids playing in the playground. And they haven't missed a beat! We have been super impressed at their capacity to renew great friendships and continue with their learning. I think children are more resilient than what we give them credit for.


Through the Australia Post Pen Pals program, the Grade 5/6s have had the amazing opportunity to be paired with another student in Australia to write letters to! Our pen pal school is Crown Street Public School in Surry Hills, NSW. We received our first letters from the students in NSW last week. This week, the Grade 5/6s were so excited to open their letters and respond. We spent Tuesday writing our letters back, which will be posted this week. The students are already eagerly awaiting a response from their pen pals in NSW! 

Isaac and Lily with their letters!
Isaac and Lily with their letters!
Letters from our Pen Pals in NSW!
Letters from our Pen Pals in NSW!

City of Darebin Yarning Conference


The Year 5 students are participating in the Darebin Yarning Conference, which takes place (virtually) next Tuesday, 20th October. The theme is 'Always Was, Always Will Be', which follows the 2020 NAIDOC theme. A bunch of activities are organised for our students to deepen their knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal people and culture.

The students have been engaged in some 'pre-learning' activities, such as creating posters and writing poetry  to express their thoughts. Great stuff, kids!


Anni's Poem 

One day their voices will be heard 

One day there lives will matter 

One day their names will be known 

After years of being alone 

Their land will be placed back In black hands


Nicola's Poem

We say sorry to the land we destroyed, the nature far and barren

We say sorry to the long lost knowledge that will never be regained, the language, the love, the world

We say sorry for the dead,  young and  old, the ones yet to be born and the one yet to be told

We say sorry for the elders, the past the present  the ones way ahead 

We say sorry for all we’ve done to you, the earth, the land, the life , for taking away your 

children who are never gonna return, for evolution was what they wanted but not what remains 

We are sorry for the strife and the pain. We are sorry for the life way away for the warrior lost in war and claim! 

Though your names are lost in the sea of battle your stories you left behind, remain quiet still, forever in our hearts you lay 

Respect for you is what we ask for today


Joel's Poem

Long ago in this world black feet wandered this land

Long ago aboriginals were joyful and held hands

Long ago 242 years in fact British colonized

And wrecked important black lives

Year 3/4 Classroom News

Speed Chatting

To start our new term "The New Normal", and first day back in the classroom, the students were involved in Speed Chatting. Just like speed dating, the students sat in pairs and talked to each other about anything they wanted to, and then after a few minutes rotated to the next person. 


Saying Hello

Working in pairs, students were encouraged to come up with a little routine to say 'Hello'. The routine was to be non verbal and non physical. As students have had very little opportunity to work with someone else for nearly 2 terms, it was good to see the discussion and practice that was happening as they worked in pairs to come up with their routine. Click on the names below to watch some videos saying 'Hello'.  

Isabelle and Brian

Joshua and Ria 

Rahim and Hansvi


Another activity demonstrating teamwork, was our Marshmallow Challenge. Students were to build the tallest tower using Marshmallows and toothpicks. They were to work cooperatively in pairs and needed to follow a certain criteria.

Year P-2 Classroom News

What a fantastic start to Term 4! The P-2 area has been buzzing... not only because the students have been learning about Bees as part of our ‘Minibeasts’ unit, but also because they have been very busy creating, playing and sharing their remote learning stories with one another. 


The P-2 Discovery Hub is OPEN! 

We are pleased to announce our Discovery Learning Hub is now operational. Last Friday, some of the junior students cut a ribbon to officially declare the hub 'open'. As you can see below, the students already love their new space and burst with excitement when given the opportunity to use it. It is wonderful to already see so many of the school learning dispositions being displayed while the students participate in their discovery learning. 

Patterns, Symmetry and Tessellations 

While the P-2 students have been busy catching up with friends, they have also been busy learning about patterns, symmetry and tessellations during their daily Mathematics sessions.

The Preps found 38 different patterns in the school library. How many can you find in your home? 


Italian News

"Benvenuti Ragazzi  - Welcome back Everyone,

The Junior classes are busy today enjoying the story of "Pinocchio" and learning

a song his dad Geppetto liked to sing when he was making him.

The Middle and Senior classes will resume exploring and researching their famous Italian

that they chose to study. We are looking forward to reading their interesting projects.

Ciao Claudia


Physical Education News

It was a perfect spring day for our first onsite sport sessions in many months. It was great to see the students’ smiling faces after such a long break. The preps played our favourite ducking, jumping and dodging games. I had planned to play dodgeball with the 5/6s, but they have been inspired by their Olympic Games topic and have taken up volleyball with a passion. It was great to see their enthusiasm for a brand new sport to Sacred Heart. (Stuart)