Staff News

Meet: Patrick Lane

What is your role at ASC and how long have you been here?

I teach History and Geography for Years 8, 9 and 10. This is my first year at ASC.

Where and what did you study?

I studied teaching at the University of New England and graduated in 2019. I majored in Modern History and also did a minor in Theatre Studies.

What would be your dream destination over the holidays?​

Dream destination would have to be a European Grand Tour of all the historical sites I teach about in school but unfortunately it may be some time before I can plan that particular journey.

What can you cook to perfection?

I am a reasonably skilled baker (if I do say so myself) but I think I have finally perfected my scone recipe. The secret is a wetter than you would expect dough and a hot oven.

What are some pets you’ve had or would like to own?​​

Growing up on a farm, we have always had dogs around. At the moment we have Gemma, Tess and Prue. Don't think I would want an exotic or strange pet. I'm quite content with a nice cattle dog.

What is your favourite thing about your role?

The thing I love about my job is being able to spend all day talking about and sharing knowledge about interesting things in the world.

What is your favourite book to read?

I have just finished reading Frank Herbert's Dune, a fantastic book - if a bit long. My favourite book changes with the seasons but at this precise moment it is Leviathan Wakes by James S. A. Corey.​

Meet: Dinusha Wijewickrama

What is your role at ASC and how long have you been here?

I have been teaching Mathematics at DHS/ASC for nearly 12 years.

Where and what did you study?

I graduated from University of NSW; first studying Computer Science and then Mathematics Teaching.

What would be your dream destination over the holidays?​


What can you cook to perfection?

Poached eggs.

What three words best describe you?

Pink, purple and beach.

What are some pets you’ve had or would like to own?​​

A toy fox terrier.

What is your favourite thing about your role?

Getting to work with really interesting students.

Farewell: Iain Taylor

Congratulations to our Technical Support Officer, Iain Taylor, who has been ‘talent spotted’ and promoted to the regional IT support team.  Staff and students at ASC have all admired Iain's incredible calmness while he juggled the constant and diverse stream of technical issues addressed to him. 


A well attended morning tea was held in the library to allow us to wish him well in his new position.