From the Library

Book Week 2018

Book Week is all about focusing on books.  Book Week is being celebrated this year during Week 6 commencing Monday 20 August 2018.  This annual event highlights the importance of reading and draws on the joy of stories and creativity of Australian books. Book week is about:

  • encouraging students to read,
  • to learn about new books,
  • to share favourite writers and illustrators,
  • to look again at old favourite books , in different ways
  • to take time to read alone and just read


Details will follow shortly of the many events we have planned for Book Week 2018.  Children will be invited to dress up as their favourite book character and join the  school in a parade in the Shared Facility on Wednesday 22 August at 8.50am. More details to follow.


Keep reading!

Mrs Durkin and Mrs Dale