Sports News

Interschool Cross Country

OLA students once again proved themselves to be enthusiastic and well-behaved at the CPSSA Interschool Cross Country event this week at Perry Lakes. We were fortunate enough to have a clear sunny day and the children were encouraged by a large contingent of cheering and animated parents and siblings.


Twelve students from Year 3 to Year 6 represented OLA running cpurses between 1km and 2km. All students gave their best performances and shared large smiles and waves to students and parents, in the crowd, as they crossed the finish line.


Thank you to Mr De Pietro and Mrs La Rosa for supporting the runners on the day!

Running Club

Running Club will return in Term 3 on Wednesday 1 August.

OLA Netball

Due to an exceptional start to the season, our Year 5/6 netball team were re-graded into a higher division. The girls have continued to strive and improve each week whilst putting up a fight against some incredibly strong competition. We are so proud of our girl’s efforts and congratulate them for their commitment to the team. Go OLA!

Ms Knight