What's Happening at OLA!


In Term 3, the Pre-Kindergarten children are working on a term-long project involving three dimensional thinking and construction, using wood scraps. They will be exploring the shape, size and quality of wood through sorting, building and experimenting using the different shaped pieces of wood. This week, the children sanded back some of the rough edges of the blocks of wood with sand paper.


After the children have played with the blocks of wood they will select an interesting assortment of wood shapes to explore. Using those pieces of wood and glue, they will construct a three-dimensional shape. By keeping track of the interactions and dialogue that occurs, the children will revisit their construction, over the term. Doing this will enable me to remind them of their earlier comments and ideas. Later in the term, they will enhance their wood work with natural media to extend their thinking. There is a great deal of analytical thinking required in the designing process and later with the completion of the task, the children will draw a representational picture of their work.


This term, we will follow the life and growth of the silkworm, with the class. The children will become aware of the life cycle of the silkworm and help care and nurture the worms as they grow and change into moths. This will take approximately ten weeks.


Exciting times in Pre-Kindergarten!

Mrs Petkovic


To tie in with NAIDOC Week, the Kindergarten children have been learning about the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.  We read a Dreaming story called, How the Birds Got Their Colours, and the children painted these birds and retold the story. We also read another Dreaming story called, The Echidna and the Shade Tree, and the children made little echidnas with playdough and loose materials.  We learnt about how the Aboriginal people might cook and then we pretended to make a fire outside and cooked up some bush tucker! We have also enjoyed learning some Noongar language and have had a go at writing some of the symbols used to communicate and tell stories. We have also looked at the Aboriginal flag and some children had a go at painting the flag.  Next week, we have more great activities planned, as we look more closely at Aboriginal art and tools.

Mrs Fruvall and Mrs Taylor

Year 1

Last week, we celebrated NAIDOC Week. We had lots of fun reading the Dreaming story, Tiddalick, and talking about the moral of the story. We looked at different Aboriginal symbols and dot painting. We designed our own boomerangs using these symbols and dot painting. We enjoyed the NAIDOC Assembly and learnt some songs and dance moves.


This week, we have enjoyed reading stories about grandparents, and sharing stories about our grandparents and the things we do together. We enjoyed creating a card for our grandparents to show our appreciation for them. We had fun seeing them at Mass and in our classrooms.


This term, we have been learning about subtraction using the strategies counting back and counting on. We have used number lines and manipulatives to help us problem solve number stories.

Miss Saraceni and Mrs Ravi

Year 3

What a busy start back it has been for us! After returning back from the Term 2 holidays, the children were excited to tell us all about what they did through their recount writing.


We also celebrated NAIDOC Week by looking at Aboriginal Dreaming and researched some famous and inspirational Aboriginal women.


We have also been very busy practising for our assembly where we are presenting a song and a wonderful poem about how much we love homework! Although we only had a week and a half to prepare, the children have been amazing and so enthusiastic! They will surely have everyone tapping along with their singing and persuading all students to love their homework! 


We are looking forward to a busy term ahead with a lot of new things to explore and learn.

Mrs Vella, Mrs Pilatti and Mrs Tollis

Year 5

What a fabulous start to Term 3 we have had. 


We all know that fruits and vegetables are really good for us, but did you know that different colours give us different nutrients and vitamins.  For example, we discovered that yellow and orange fruits and vegetables are great for eye health.  So it really is important to 'eat a rainbow' of fruits and vegetables.  Next week, we will be planning and creating a healthy salad and identifying how the ingredients will help our body.


We are also very excited and enthusiastic about our Performing Arts Musical Performance of Matilda in August.  We are all working hard to learn our lines and the choreography for the songs.  There is a lot to learn in a month, but we know we can do it and it will be amazing. 

Ms Knight and Ms Twomey