Principal's Message

Prayer for the Performing Arts Festival 

God our Father in Heaven 

May we always cherish the gifts that surround us, and share our blessings with each other. 

May the Word of the Lord give us courage to preach your word through the creative means of music, dance and drama, 

Lord teach us what we should do. 

Let our thoughts and actions be guided by your grace, and may your spirit help us in promoting the Word of the Lord to others. 

We ask this through Christ our Lord. 


A Special Kind of Love

There’s a special kind of love that grandchildren have for their grandparents. It’s filled with respect for their wisdom and accomplishments; With gratitude for the values they’ve given us… with delight in the stories of our family that they remember and share. It’s a special kind of love that’s built on a lifetime of caring and giving. It’s the kind of love that’s felt for you my dear grandparent, today and always.


Courtesy of Grandparents Association, Westport, Co. Mayo

Grandparents' Morning at OLA

On Wednesday morning, we had a tremendous turn out of grandparents at our OLA Grandparents' Morning. It was wonderful to acknowledge these important caregivers in our students' lives.


Many thanks to Mr Sigle for his assistance with the setup and organisation of the morning tea. Thank you also to Mrs Coluccio for the flowers.

Performing Arts Festival 

Congratulations to our three candidates who participated in the Bible Reading section of the Performing Arts Festival. Ava (5G) received an Outstanding Award, Tahlia (6G) received an Excellence Award and Isaac (4G) received a Merit Award. Well done to all participants!

OLA Kids' Pyjama Party Disco

Next Friday, 3 August, the OLA School Disco will be held in the Shared Facility. There will be two sessions on the night:

Kindy - Year 2: 5.30 - 7.00pm

Year 3 - Year 6: 7.30 - 9.00pm


Please refer to the P&F Page of this newsletter for more information.

P&F Upcoming Events

The P&F have been busy organising a number of events for families at OLA. Please refer to their section of the newsletter for more information.

Brightpath Assessment Tool

Last Wednesday, the Leadership Team members attended a Professional Development Day to prepare the staff in implementing the assessment tool at OLA. The Brightpath Assessment Tool will support OLA teachers, as well as educators across Australia, in comparing their students’ work to calibrated exemplars.


From the workshops we will be scheduling over the next six months, the OLA teachers will be gaining the knowledge and experience to make a professional judgement and to determine scaled scores for their students.



Fathers' Day Breakfast and Mass

A Fathers' Day Breakfast and Mass has been scheduled for 31 August, commencing at 7.00am with the breakfast. A flyer will be sent home over the next couple of weeks. Fathers are encouraged to schedule this event in their diaries.

Canteen Helpers Needed Urgently

A Message from Rosie Samuels (Canteen Manageress)


To keep prices to a minimum, volunteers are required to assist in the canteen. If the school was to employ a canteen assistant, prices would increase significantly and we don't want this to occur. We would like to keep the costs down to a minimum, hence assistance from the community is required. If you were to compare the OLA canteen prices to other schools, you will notice our prices are a lot cheaper.


A huge thank you to Julia and the other volunteers I can call upon to help out during our very busy canteen days. At this stage, the Term 3 helpers schedule has not been filled by parents and assistance is required urgently.


Below is the schedule for Term 3 and I would dearly love more people to assist on canteen days.  Please complete the attached PDF schedule email it directly to me at 


Thank you

Rosie Samuels

Canteen Manageress

Have a great weekend!


Greg Martin
