Year 2/3UR

Social Justice


For Inquiry this week, the students in 2/3 UR are learning about social justice and equality for all in society. Students developed a workflow about ‘walking in someone else’s shoes ‘ and developing empathy for others. They have been watching videos about various social issues and learnt about basic needs and rights for everyone. The students created a Lotus diagram with various words relating to social justice and discussed what each word meant to them. Some students made the connection to issues at school or in their communities and neighbourhoods. Some students used what they had learned about people with disabilities and added that to their diagrams. The students then shared their Lotus diagrams and ideas during our class Google Meet. We will continue to work on the topic of social justice and our workflow for the rest of this term.


Cameron: I learnt that we need to make things fair for everyone.


Nancy: Social justice means including others.


Grace: We need to be respectful to everyone.


Destinho: I learnt that empathy is feeling how others feel.