From the Principal's Desk

Annual Report

As is mandated by the Federal Government, all schools must make public information regarding ‘school performance’ to the wider community. This is usually communicated through the school’s Annual Report.


For those interested, our Annual Report to the School Community (for the 2017 school year) is now available on our website at:

Alternatively you may like to request a hard copy at the school office.


The Corpus Christi Annual Report to the Community outlines our achievements over the year in relation to our School Improvement Framework and Annual Action Plan. It provides families with detailed information as to our ‘performance’ and in relation to the many and

varied activities, programs and opportunities that ‘add value’ to our school.

Thank you from Mr Hyde

Mr Tony Hyde, together with his family, wishes to thank everyone in our school community for the many prayers and messages of support that have been offered over the past two weeks. Tony and his family feel very humbled and blessed by all the concern expressed and he assures us that he feels comforted by the wave of support directed towards him.


Please keep Tony and his family in your prayers in the coming weeks.

If you wish to send messages or cards to Tony please leave them at the school office and I will pass them on to him.


Have a wonderful week


God bless

Jane Wilkinson

(Acting Principal)