NAPLAN reports have been sent home this week for the year 3 and 5 students who sat the test.


Three documents were sent home.

  1. Student Report (multi-coloured report) which explains how to read the report, and shows your child’s performance against other students in the same year level at a national level.
  2. The Standard of Education Achievement (SEA) which outlines the SA Department proficiency standard for reading and numeracy. Year 3 students are expected to achieve Band 3 or better and Year 5s Band 5 or better. (National Minimum Standard is Band 2 for Year 3 and Band 4 for Year 5)
  3. A blue summary report. Please note that progress for Year 5s from Year 3 is not indicated since NAPLAN did not occur in 2020 due to COVID.

Please note, the test score is a snapshot in time and a range of other data is used to assess the student’s capabilities. Please do not hesitate to speak with your child’s teacher if you are concerned about their performance.