End of Term 3 Wrap Up

A warm thank you to our school community for your ongoing support for our wonderful school. 

It has been another busy term, they never seem to slow down! However, it has been a term filled with wonderful learning opportunities and activities.


Some highlights from Term 3 have included:

  • Our recent Sports Day – well done to all of our teams and congratulations to Red Team for winning this year.
  • The return of parents/families being able to attend Assemblies face to face
  • Another fantastic Book Week Community Parade – our students and staff love seeing everyone cheering us on.
  • Athletics, Nunga Tag Carnival and Crows Cup Footy – a number of our Upper Primary students represented our school at these events.

Thank you to our Governing Council Fundraising Committee for their ongoing efforts this year. We appreciate the time that they give up to help raise funds for our students and school.


From the start of next term parents and carers are again able to enter learning spaces and buildings. Please remember to wait until the music bell starts to enter spaces and a reminder that the Northern Carpark gate will no longer be opened in the afternoons due to Mr Cronin, Mr Kaesler, Ms Martyne and Mrs Jolley/Mrs Gossink’s classes being dismissed from their classrooms.


A reminder that all of the students get an extra day of holiday! Monday 17th October is a Student Free Day with staff participating in professional learning about Self-Regulation and Trauma informed strategies to support children.


Our formal Kindy transition visits start early next term, if you know of any families looking to enrol for 2023 can you have them contact the school ASAP for a school tour and information about limited vacancies.


Have a safe and happy holiday with your children and keep an eye out for the Term fridge calendar of events that will be sent home in Week 1 of next term with all of the events for Term 4!


Kind regards,


Ms Sally
