Enrichment Update.
Welcome to Term 4!
Enrichment Update.
Welcome to Term 4!
We hope you all had a wonderful holiday and are all rested and ready for the term ahead! This newsletter outlines the learning that will take place within the Enrichment program in term 4.
stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. STEM learning involves scientific and technological understanding, as well as practicing hands-on skills through experimentation and design.
Humans experience the world through their senses. Prep students will learn about their senses, exploring new ways to describe familiar objects and examining the world around them. They will experiment with how light and sound are produced.
Grade 1/2 students will explore how animals move, and will identify the features of animals and plants that provide a survival advantage in their habitats. Students will investigate an everyday problem and design a solution inspired by biomimicry.
Imagine being able to move an object without touching it, as if by magic! Students in grade 3/4 will learn that forces can be exerted on objects at a distance by exploring the attraction and repulsion of magnets. Through hands-on investigation students gain an understanding of gravity, friction and magnetic forces at work in their everyday lives. They apply their knowledge through designing and building a magnetic game.
Throughout history, humans have looked for ways of doing everyday things BETTER. From tools to transport, these discoveries have led to the creation of our modern world. Grade 5 students will take part in a short series of challenges that will require ingenuity, collaboration and persistence. From this experience, they will develop a checklist of considerations in the design of a solution. As part of their classroom inquiry, students participate in the Kidpreneur program. They will document the design process for their kidpreneur product through creation of a website. This website will be the face of their business, with a company logo, product descriptions, and marketing.
Grade 6 students will learn the basic principles of flight through an immersive study of aerodynamics. They will build a basic aeroplane model and record its flying qualities using a CTG machine. They will then investigate a series of modifications that they will test. Data will be gathered and used to produce an optimised design.Kim Miter
Physical Education (P.E.)
Welcome back to Term 4! Once more we look forward to an action packed term in P.E focusing on improving our physical fitness, sporting abilities, game sense and sporting etiquette.
In Prep and Grade 1/2, students will be learning about how physical activity affects our bodies. Students will discover what physical changes occur to our bodies when we are active and how being physically active positively effects our wellbeing. Preps and Grade 1/2 students will continue to develop their skills in throwing and kicking as well as learning about how other cultures engage in physical activity.
In Grades 3/4 and 5/6, students will be learning how to be effective teammates in a sporting environment and how to create and play minor games. Students will learn Tennis skills including, racquet grip, forehand and backhand swings, along with the rules of how to play the game. Grade 3-4 and 5-6 students will also learn about the impact of physical activity on our physical and mental health.
In addition to the Physical Education program Grade 6 students will take part in an out of school bowls program delivered at the local St Albans Bowls club in which they will learn the skills of bowls as a part of the Sports and Recreation Program. Students will also take part in other organised sporting programs on school grounds.
Aaron Valentine
School Values & SWPBS
Whilst participating in Enrichment lessons all students are expected to demonstrate our school values of Excellence, Respect, Responsibility and Collaboration.
Term 4 sees the exciting new addition of Literature to our Enrichment program. All grades from Prep to Year 6, will be participating in an hour of Literature, reading and enjoying text from our school library, developing comprehension skills and reflecting on how characters in the text demonstrate the ‘Learning Powers’ (that we are implementing here at APS) of Independence, Determination and Reflection.
Sue James
Visual Arts
Welcome back to term four, where there will be lots of new skills to learn, during a very busy term.
During term four, Prep students will demonstrate the art skills of modelling and sculpture to create simple 3D items made from clay. They will learn to shape clay using their hands and tools. They will use materials including, salt dough, play dough and clay to create their designs.
The focus for Grade 1/2 students this term is printing. Students will learn how artists print different designs. They will use collage materials to create a printing plate and use the printing plate to print their designs, using paint colours of their choice.
The focus for Grade 3/4 students this term is printing. They will look at popular printing styles including Pop Art and use this as inspiration for their own works. They will create relief prints using foam plates and gelli printing plates.
The focus for Grade 5/6 students this term is modelling. Students will use different types of clay to create 3D sculptures. They will work on individual projects, researching different modelling techniques and using clay to represent their ideas.
Anna Ricci
If you have further questions or concerns please make a time to see your child’s teacher.