Foundation - Grade Two Update

Welcome to Term 4!

Welcome back to all families and our Prep, Grade 1 and Grade 2 students. We hope you all had a wonderful holiday and are all rested and ready for an exciting term of LEARNING!



In Reading, the Preps, Grade 1and 2’s will be learning to infer. Inferring is a way that we can think about what the author is saying when they don't actually say it. This strategy will help them gain a deeper understanding of the texts they read. In Writing, the Preps, Grade 1 and 2’s will be learning how to write a narrative. In the second part of the term students in Grades 1 and 2 will also be learning to write an exposition. An exposition is when the writer’s job is to persuade the reader to accept a point of view. In Mathematics, the Preps will be focusing on Multiplication and Division using ‘groups of’ and ‘sharing’ strategies and the Grade 1 and 2’s will be revisiting number sense and building on the strategies they already know.


All students in Prep will develop understandings around the integrated topic, “Topsy, Turvy, Tails”. 

They will be focusing on thinking creatively and using their imagination as they explore traditional tales. Students will use a range of thinking tools to modify traditional fairy tales and characters. They will then work in groups to create a puppet theatre to present their modified traditional tale to an audience and the Grade 1 and 2’s students will be focusing on the topic, “APS Grand Prix”, where they will be learning about the design process and how it encourages them to consider how we can use objects in our lives and how we can select materials to design and build new objects. Students will work together to design and build a ‘car’ to race in the APS Grand Prix. They will learn about the properties of different materials and consider which materials they should use to build their car. They will strive for accuracy in their design and build by creating detailed plans with written instructions that could be shared with others. They will need to modify and adjust their car to meet the race requirements for the APS Grand Prix at the end of term.


Some important reminders…


As a SunSmart school, it is an expectation that all our students wear a wide-brimmed hat at school this term.


Take Home Reading Books

Take home reading books are sent home each day. These are intended to be “easy” for your child to read.  Please read this book with your child or listen to them read daily and sign their diary. Ensure they are returned daily. Teachers will be monitoring their home reading weekly.


School Uniform

Students are required to be in FULL SCHOOL UNIFORM every day. Please label all of your child’s clothing and personal belongings clearly and legibly. 


Morning Routine


Please ensure your child arrives at school between 8:45am-9am. It is important to be at school on time, so they are organised and ready to learn at 9am.


Late arrivals are required to enter through the school office and then enter the classroom quietly without distracting the class.


It is important for your child to be responsible for carrying and placing their bag in their lockers, and changing their take-home reading book daily. 


Important Dates 


  • Learning Powers Assembly- 10th October
  • Grade 1 and 2’s Incursion Craft Power- 19th and 20th October
  • Prep Excursion to Fairy Park- 21st October
  • Pupil Free Day- 31st October
  • Public Holiday- 1st November
  • Swimming- 7th to 11th November 
  • Reports open on Compass- 12th December
  • OPTIONAL Parent Teacher Interviews- 14th and 15th December
  • End of Year Performance- 16th December
  • School Finishes at 1:30pm- 20th December