Message from the Principal

Achieving Excellence Together

Dear families, 

Welcome to Term 4. For many, this is the most exciting time of the year as our sixes prepare for their final term in primary school and we commence welcoming next years prep students for our getting ready for school program. 


Learning Powers Performance

Sadly, due to the inclement weather we were forced to reschedule the performance to Monday 10/10/2022 at 1:30pm. The forecast currently is dry however, we organised an indoor alternative if required. Of course, families and our community is encouraged to join us as we launch our new Learning Powers that we know will encourage every student to be even greater learners.


Grade 6 Transition Program

A successful transition from primary to secondary school involves students being able to move seamlessly to their new setting. Moving from primary to secondary school is an important step in the next stage of your child’s education. This happens alongside the transition from childhood to adolescence and includes many changes – both 

physically and emotionally. In an effort to ensure a well-planned and coordinated approach to successfully transitioning students from primary to secondary school this term we have launched our Year 6 Transition Program. The program hopes to:

  • Maintain continuity of engagement in learning and development for all students
  • Maintain and build on academic performance of all students
  • Support and develop the social and emotional wellbeing of all students
  • Support students with organisational aspects of change from primary to secondary school

Similar to secondary school, Year 6 students having specialist teachers for all their subjects rather than one classroom teacher. The students will be required to read their timetable and attend the classroom of their allocated subject. Students will have core subjects of Literacy & Numeracy and Specialist Programs, as well as elective subjects and recreational sports. 

Our Year 6 cohort are very enthusiastic about the change in program for this term and are looking forward to some of the exciting new opportunities being presented to them. 


Attendance - Every Day Counts

Attending school all day, every day helps students to build their learning and maintain strong social connections with their friends and teachers. There is no safe number of days for missing school – each day a student misses puts them behind, and can affect their educational outcomes.

A reminder to all families that all students are required to attend school every day. If your child is sick or is unable to attend school on a particular day, please notify the school via the COMPASS app or call the school absence line on 9367 2197. 


Prep Enrolment 2023 - NOW TAKING ENROLMENTS

Prep enrolments for 2023 are being taken now. If you have any children who will be attending 

Albanvale PS in 2023, please call to receive enrolment information. We encourage families to do this as soon as possible, so that we may begin to plan the prep transition program for Term 4.

Pre enrolment forms are available from kindergartens and on the school website and can be emailed to or dropped off into school letter box. 



Students leaving Albanvale PS in 2023

Please let the office know if your child is leaving the school at the end of this year, so that we may begin the transition process for your child with their new school. Please contact the school on 9367 2197 or via the school email