This Fortnight's News 

 Term 4, Week 2

Sports Report

What a busy start to Term 4 it has been for Sport at St Augustine's! We have had Division Track & Field Athletics, the JPC Lightning Premiership day, Bike Education, and our start to Summer Sport in PE. Our students have represented our school amazingly and we are super proud of all our efforts and achievements.

PE at St Augustine's

In our Grade 3-6 PE Classes this term, we have kicked off our inaugural Bike Education Program at St Augustine's. With an emphasis on road safety and bike safety, our students have battled the elements to learn new road rules and bike skills to enhance their biking experiences. It has been great to see all students encouraging one another to give the program their best go and to help one another learn new skills and techniques. 

For the P-2 students, we have commenced our striking and fielding unit which is focusing on Cricket, Lacrosse, Tee Ball & Tennis. Also in some interesting weather, students have demonstrated such strong striking skills and have learnt new skills such as bowling, catching, underarm throwing, and overarm throwing. 

Over the next few weeks, students will focus on the following:

Preps & 1/2s - Cricket - Striking & Bowling

Year 3/4s - Bike Education & Road Safety

Year 5/6s - Bike Education & Road Safety

Please also keep an eye out for Lunchtime Sport clubs where you can hone in on your skills!

Northern Peninsula Division Athletics.

We would like to congratulate all of our students who have participated in the Northern Peninsula Division for Track & Field Aths. With so many students making it through to the next round, it was awesome to see our school well represented in what was a very good standard of competition.

In particular, we would like to note the following students who attended the day:

Hamish Howden, Albert La Fontaine, Marqus Chunga, Charlotte Zurrer, Ben Howden, Aston Allan, Bayden White, Harper Smith, Harper Lonie, Glancy Pendlebury, Logan Taylor, Harry Pase, Freddie La Fontaine, Emily Dexter, Jai Larizza, Lucy Pistone, Matilda Munro & Nyawech Kulang.

Other News - JPC Lightning Premiership

Lastly, we would like to recognise our 5/6 students who continue to achieve great things in Interschool Sport events.

On Tuesday 11th October, our 5/6s took part in the JPC Lightning Premiership day where we played Newcombe, Netball, Soccer, and AFL. With all of the JPC feeder schools present on the day, our students were able to meet a lot of new people and develop many new positive friendships throughout the day as they begin the transition to secondary school. To conclude the day, our students were able to win both the Mixed AFL and Mixed Soccer competitions, whilst also finishing 3rd and 4th in the Netball and Newcombe respectively. We are super proud of our 5/6 cohort who have finished their Interschool Sport experience on a high. Great job guys.

Please keep an eye out for future sports events throughout Term 4 to see how you can become involved.

Great work and GO ST A's!

School Hats

As part of our SunSmart policy hats are to be worn in Term 4. Please ensure that your child has their hat at school.  If you need to purchase a new one they are available at the office.

Fee Schedule 2023

We would like to inform our school community that there will be a slight increase in our school fees in 2023. Please find the fee schedule outlined below along with the requirements to be supplied by parents for next year. If you would like to set up a payment plan for 2023 please contact the office or email:

Scholastic Book Club

Scholastic Book Club orders are due on Monday 24th October. All orders are placed online through their website or you can download the app. We are unable to accept cash at the office for book club orders.

Australian Mathematics Competiton

Over the course of the year, a number of students have participated in the annual Australian Mathematics Competition and the Computational Thinking Challenge. I am pleased to announce the results of both of these competitions: 


2022 Australian Maths Competition 

Certificate of High Distinction

Jackson Doughty

Certificate of Distinction

Dominic Cheesman

Certificate of Credit

Nathan Blick

Celine Dinh

Alvin Jibin

Archie Rowell

Benjamin Tilmanis

Braxton Garner

Lincoln Shakes

Henry Bourke

Tarkin Coulson

Logan Dooley

Nevin Jibin

Harvie Richardson

Jack Snell

Thomas Dinh

Glancy Pendlebury

Certificate of Proficiency

Landon Chammen

Brittany Chilver

Elena Drakos

Eli Long

Tayarna Pasqualini

Blake Dornan

Luca Grzelak

Eric Hawkins

Grace Shine

Mikaela Simic

Dylan Tonkin

Lachlan Zammit

Ava McAnearney

Esther Pendlebury

Hayden Tilmanis

James Agland

William Coburn

Miro Doreleijers

Harry Pase

Isabelle Visser

Charlotte Zurrer

Certificate of Participation 

James Jayilian

Jacinta Jayilian

Mia Leighton

Benjamin Scott

Aston Allan

Eleanor McCraith

Jaxon Pasqualini

Ella Dornan

Harvey Garner

2022 Computational Thinking Challenge

Certificate of Distinction

Thomas Dinh

Certificate of Credit

Eleanor Blick

Dominic Cheesman

Tarkin Coulson

Logan Dooley

Jackson Doughty

Eric Hawkins

Miro Doreleijers

Glancy Pendlebury

Isabelle Visser

Certificate of Participation 

Jakob Berlouis

Edward Bolton

Henry Bourke

Landon Chammen

Brittany Chilver

Celine Dinh

Blake Dornan

Elena Drakos

Luca Grzelak

Nevin Jibin

Alvin Jibin

Mia Leighton

Eli Long

Ava Mcanearney

Eleanor McCraith

Jaxon Pasqualini

Tayarna Pasqualini

Esther Pendlebury

Nate Pickersgill

Alice Ryan

Benjamin Scott

Lincoln Shakes

Mikaela Simic

Jack Snell

Hayden Tilmanis

Benjamin Tilmanis

Dylan Tonkin

Maximus Wyatt

Lachlan Zammit

James Agland

William Coburn

Ella Dornan

Harvey Garner

Harry Pase

Camila Restrepo-Diaz

Lucas Tonkin

Charlotte Zurrer


The students enjoyed working in the garden and painting our indigenous garden boards. 



Our wonderful penguins have returned to us from the display in Hobart.