Round the classes

Reception class : Katie
Over the past few weeks we have been working on consolidating the knowledge of our sounds especially some of our digraphs. We have also started writing our own sentences and are beginning to write our own short stories.
As part of maths we have been learning about 2D shapes. This week we have started looking at 3D shapes.
As part of HASS we have been looking at the type of businesses and places that make up a town. We have been on a walk down the main street of Uraidla to see what businesses make up our town.
Unfortunately we have had to redo our veggie patch as a lot of our seeds didn’t grow. Hopefully we will have better luck second time around.
Year 1/2 classes : Sam and Kelly
In the Year 1/2 classes we have been enjoying continuing to discuss positivity and learning when we talk to ourselves in a kind way, it has a positive effect on our mind and our body. Everyone is looking forward to celebrating 'Positivity' as a whole school on Friday Week 10, where teachers have planned some wonderful activities for students to participate in across the day.
This week both classes have been excited to share their Big Talk Home Learning with the class in preparation for their narrative Big Write - The Fuzzle. Students have continued to focus on the narrative writing structure and have set their own writing goals to work towards. Some WOW words students have shared include: microscopic, shy, adorable, luminescent, camouflage, lush, perfect, empathetic, furry, soft, magnificent, elusive, brave.
In maths, students have been learning about 'Chance and Data' in Sam's class and 'Measurement' in Kelly's class. Students across the year levels are continually provided opportunities to practise reasoning and justification skills with 'would you rather' statements.
A friendly reminder to please check at home for any readers or library books that need returning as some children have been disappointed when they have not been able to borrow due to overdue books. Thank you for your ongoing support. Enjoy your weekend.
Year 3/4 class: Stephen
In our class we have been learning about democracy. We have looked at a website that ranks all the countries in the world in terms of how democratic they are. We discovered that Australia is ranked as 13th. We also discovered facts about other systems of governance including autocracies and monarchies. One of our tasks was to create the rules we would like for our own world.
We have also been writing procedures. Our success criteria was to ensure our procedure texts had a main heading, a list of things needed and the individual steps needed. We also had to make sure each step was written with a verb at the beginning.
Year 3/4 class: Alex
In mathematics students have been learning and consolidating a range of multiplication strategies including the formal algorithm, arrays, area models and the lattice method. Students have been continuing to work on their goals.
In English, students have been brainstorming ideas for a persuasive piece of their choice. They will be focusing on including the persuasive devices they have learnt and structuring their writing clearly, building toward their strongest reason at the end of their piece and including an introduction and conclusion.
In Health students have been learning about identity, creating digitally designed mind maps to represent the different elements that make up their identity including character strengths, preferences and rewarding moments.
Students have been learning to sing a range of different songs with Stephen’s class weekly. This week onwards we will be adding in extra rehearsals of ‘Rockin’ All Over the World’ which will be performed in the Week 10 Musical Showcase this term.
Year 5/6 Class: Sallie
We have been really working hard on our writing skills in the last fortnight gearing up for our BIG WRITE on Friday (hopefully you have seen the prompt sheet and discussed this with your child). The theme is a "journey". This piece will also be an assessment piece for Brightpath so we have been looking at our past writing pieces and setting goals and working to improve our Brightpath score. If you're not sure what Brightpath is, ask your child or send me message and I can explain. Our writing focus for the next two weeks will be persuasive writing. Our novels in guided reading are getting interesting as we head into the "boulder" (the cliff-hanger part).
In maths we have continued to focus on area and cementing our knowledge of "number".
Lightning Carnival was a great time to enjoy the sun and support our teams. I am always impressed with how the students at Uraidla support each other and try different things. It was a fabulous day!
Indonesian :Ibu Susan
The students have been very busy building sentences about pets concentrating on using Indonesian word order. The older classes have even completed dictation activities to practise their listening skills. The year 5/6 students are also busy researching an island of Indonesia.
Science & P/E: Troy
Students have been learning about animals the past two weeks. Reception students have looked at humans needs. This has included looking at the five senses and how we notice things around us. Year 1/2 are learning about external features of animals. Students are making models of animals and the features the animal has. Year 3/4 are looking at classifying animals by observable features and year 5/6 are looking at animal adaptations and creating their own animals.
In PE classes are beginning to focus on Athletics in preparation for Sports Day. There is a focus on students developing fundamental movement skills of running, jumping and throwing through games which develops some of the technical skills involved in Athletics.