Dear Families


I would like to start by saying how appreciative I am of the warm welcome I have received over the past couple of days.  It has been great to have students and parents approach me in the yard, introducing themselves and eager to have a chat.  I look forward to getting around to more students and classes over the coming days.  

It was exciting to farewell the grade 5 students for Anglesea today and look forward to seeing the grade 6 students off to Healesville on tomorrow.  Although the weather is looking imminent, I am sure they will have a fabulous time away, engaging in some fabulous activities.


I attended a briefing this morning regarding changes in health regulations pertaining to COVID and was informed we will receive updated advice next week.

So, we request until October 14th or until further advice is given, that any student or staff member who tests positive to COVID-19 continue to isolate for 5 days. If they are asymptomatic, they may return to school on day 6. If they are symptomatic, we request they remain in isolation until day 7.  If they have symptoms after 7 days, they are strongly advised to stay home until their symptoms have resolved.

As an additional risk mitigation, the Department of Health still recommends that you wear a face mask if a close contact or within the immediate days of recovering from COVID.

Can we also ask that families continue to inform us of positive student cases, to ensure we are able to keep our community informed of relevant learning areas impacted.

We will no longer be providing remote learning, however request that students actively engage in self-directed learning activities from home.


As we are now in term 4 and spring is upon us, students must be wearing a broad brimmed hat when in the yard at recess and lunchtime. To avoid disappointment of no play, please ensure students have their hat packed and ready for term 4.


Due to parent feedback that was sought last term, as of today, newsletters will be distributed fortnightly.  We look forward to families continuing to engage in the reading of these via the link or emails sent.


Have a great week.




Chilwell Primary School.