From the Principals Desk

Janine Kinninment

As we round out the year, I want to thank our school community for all the support for Burrendah Primary School and wish you all a relaxing, rejuvenating holiday. 


The reception will be open on Wednesday 25th January 2023.  Office staff will be available from 10:00am-2:00pm for parent queries during this working week. Students return the following week on Wednesday 1st February 2023.


We will be releasing our 2023 class lists prior to the start of the 2023 school year. Class lists will be available to view on boards on the verandah between the School Hall and the Administration building from 1:00pm - 3:00pm Tuesday 31st January 2023. If there is a delay in this process parents will be contacted via CONNECT to advise lists will not be on display until Wednesday.


Please find in this newsletter the most recent class structure. There have been some minor changes.