Director of Identity 

  Mrs Bridget Jenkins 

Next Tuesday the first of November is All Saints' Day, a solemn Holy day of the Catholic Church celebrated in dedication to the saints of the Church. It is followed on November 2 by All Souls’ Day which is a time for us to remember and pray for those who have died. Next week at St Virgil’s in the Chapel of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, our Parish priest Father Suresh will join us to celebrate these two significant Solemnities of the Church. 


On Tuesday several of our students from Doyle and Dwyer will lead their Pastoral Care groups in their Student Mass dedicated to the Saints and we will have the opportunity particularly to focus on Saint Mary Mackillop, Australia’s first saint, Saint Francis of Assisi from whom our Pope took his name and of course Saint Virgil, the patron of our College.


On Wednesday morning our Staff Mass will be devoted to praying for the souls of those departed and include special intentions for those in our community who are suffering the grief and loss of losing family, friends and loved ones. During this Mass we will also be praying for those in our national and global communities who have died as a result of Covid-19, recent floods and fires and for the innocent lives lost through conflict and war. We give thanks for the strength and healing we experience when praying together and will spend time reflecting on how lucky we are to belong to a such a caring connected and engaged community.