Music News

Dorrigo Folk and Bluegrass Music Festival

The 20th Dorrigo Folk and Bluegrass Festival was held last weekend. Featured on the programme were ‘Mountain Folk Café’ consisting of Karen Lynne and Martin Louis (banjos), Glenn Skarratt (mandolin), Quentin Fraser (bass) and of course the very amazing multi-instrumentalist William Louis (Year 10). Will reports that the band had to perform in gumboots due to the extremely muddy conditions!


Concert for Ladies Probus Club of Upper Blue Mountains

 Last Wednesday afternoon, Chamber ensemble, Handbells, and the Year 11 Music class performed at Katoomba RSL for PROBUS.  After two years of COVID, it was such a joy to perform for members of the community and appreciate the music among us.  


The opportunity to practice performing such a high standard of repertoire for an audience is a very valuable experience for growing young musicians like us. We performed a large variety of repertoire and instruments, and performed both solos and ensemble pieces. The musicians and audience alike loved the concert

Emily Colbran and Maeve Magner,

Music Captains

Soirée Primavera

The final Soirée for 2022 has been rescheduled for Wednesday 23 November, 7:00pm. The music soirées provide an excellent opportunity for our young musicians to practise and hone their performance skills. The sign-up sheet is available at the Music Office. I am looking forward to a wonderful evening which showcases the skills of our array of talented musicians.

Art & Design Exhibition - Musicians Needed!

The Music Department will be providing music for the annual Art & Design Exhibition on Thursday, 24th November, from 6:00pm-8:00pm, to be held in the Art & Design Centre. The Chamber Ensemble will play and soloists are very welcome to perform their repertoire as well. Please see Mrs Cooney if you have an item to perform. 

Co-Curricular Music

A reminder that all ensembles are busily rehearsing for end of year events including Presentation Day. Your attendance is important so please let Mrs Smith or Mrs Cooney know if you are unable to make any rehearsals.

HSC Repertoire Lists for 2023

HSC repertoire lists for 2023 are now available through the Australian Music Centre catalogue. These repertoire lists are designed specifically for teachers and students undertaking music as part of the HSC. The HSC repertoire lists include works in the Australian Music Centre catalogue that meet the syllabus requirements for the mandatory topic Music of the Last 25 Years (Australian focus).  Follow the link above to start browsing and planning for 2023.

Diary Dates

Stage 6 Music Excursion:  Friday, 4th November, Sydney Opera House

Brass Weekend:  4th to 6th November, St Rita's College, Clayfield, QLD

Remembrance Day Service:  Friday, 11th November, Wentworth Falls Cenotaph

Soirée Primavera:  Wednesday, 23rd November, 7:00pm, PAC Recital Room

Art & Design Exhibition:  Thursday, 24th November, 6:00pm to 8:00pm, A&D Centre.

Presentation Day: Wednesday, 7th December

AYO Young Symphonists:  23rd September to 1st October, 2023, Bathurst


Mrs Debbie Smith

Head of Music