From the Acting Headmaster

Today, in Australia, we celebrate World Teachers' Day. I will ask you to acknowledge that in a particular way - but you will have to wait until the end of this piece to find out (or you can jump there now). 


This morning I had an opportunity to visit most of our classes at both our Junior Schools and our Secondary School. Today, we recognise our teachers and the staff in our school who allow us to do our work so well - and I wanted to be sure that our students understood the value our team brings to their worldview. 


I reminded students that, apart from family, teachers spend the most time with them in their formative years. That is an incredible statistic and one that every great teacher I have taught with is fully aware. With that level of influence, it is little wonder that the best teachers understand that while the nuts and bolts of teaching are essential, meaningful and reliable relationships are moreso.  


We bought cupcakes for our staff as a small acknowledgement of how much we appreciate their work. Often they contribute over and above what is expected. What warmed my heart was students across all grades acknowledging their teachers and breaking out in spontaneous applause for them in some cases. That is a credit to you as their parents - thank you!  


And so I have a request. The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership is asking parents and grandparents (and kids) to 'take their hats off for teachers. I ask that you take a moment to share your "hats off" selfie to celebrate our teachers and tell us what they mean to you. Grab your hat – beret, beanie, bucket, bowler – and create a post on social media, making sure to use tag #WTD2022 and @aitsl or email


Alternatively, you can also visit the AITSL website at and upload your photo there. I look forward to seeing our team's hats, smiles and comments. 


Mr Steven Coote 

Acting Headmaster