Assistant Principal's Message

Dear parents and carers,
It was an exciting week at CHPS with the “Big Play Out” being held on Saturday! The School Fair has been an annual tradition at Clifton Hill Primary School for a very long time and it was fabulous that we were able to welcome it back in 2022. We loved seeing so many of you there for a day of fun, food and good times! A huge thanks and well done to all the parents, students and community members who helped make it such a fantastic event. Thank you to the Fair Committee and to our Fair coordinators, Claire Sandow and Victoria Keogh.
More Fair photos next newsletter.
NAPLAN results
The 2022 national and state NAPLAN test data has recently been released by ACARA. This year was the first time that our school sat the NAPLAN test online (except for YR 3 Writing).
- We achieved above state results in all tested areas across Literacy and Numeracy.
- When comparing CHPS to similar schools ('Similar schools' in this context are schools serving students from statistically similar backgrounds to our school):
- We have a higher percentage of students achieving in the “Top 2 bands” across all tested areas in Year 3 & 5.
Thank you to our teachers, Sally Meadham and Sharon Gilchrist, for coordinating the NAPLAN tests. All year 3 and 5 teachers did a wonderful job administering the tests in a professional and caring manner, reducing the stress for students. Well done to all participating students.
The leadership team, together with our teachers, will continue to analyse our NAPLAN results to get the most out of the data that it provides. We will look for areas of potential growth and how this will inform our teaching. It is important to remember that NAPLAN is one assessment piece and we use a range of data sources to inform our practice and provide the best education for our students.
NAPLAN 2023 will be held during Term 1 from Wednesday 15 March to Monday 27 March 2023 for students in Year 3 & 5.
A reminder to ensure that your child is adhering to our Sunsmart Policy. A broad brimmed hat and SunSmart clothing is a necessity in Term 4 when UV rays can be very high. If children do not bring a hat to school they are required to play on the art room steps during snack and lunch.
We have recently concluded three transition sessions for our Foundation students for next year. It has been wonderful to welcome our newest students and the transition sessions ran very smoothly.
For students currently in Foundation – Grade 5, we will be holding a transition session on Tuesday December 13th. This will be a normal school day however from 10.15 – 11.00am students will be placed into their 2023 class groupings and meet their new teacher, in their proposed 2023 classroom. We will also welcome a number of new students for 2023 on this day. Grade 6 students attending a state secondary school will attend their high school transition session on this date.
A reminder that we will be transitioning to TeamKids as our Outside School Hours Care provider in 2023 (refer to Issue 14 of our newsletter for additional details). All families will need to register for free with TeamKids if you wish to use the Outside School Hours Care program in 2023. If you have not used TeamKids before then you will need to register your child and add your bookings for 2023.
Please go to the website and select the program and follow the enrolment instructions.
Details of their summer holiday program are included in this newsletter.
All families will have received, via Compass and in hard copy, details of our parent contributions for 2023. A change for this year is that you are able to pay directly via Compass rather than via the office or bank transfer. If you have any issues with the Compass payment method please call the office on 94898333.
Thank you
Nerida Mellerick
Assistant Principal