Student Wellbeing

Sail Training – Opportunity for Year 9s in Term 4
We have been very fortunate to partner with Mordialloc Motor Yacht Club to deliver a keel boat sail training course with qualified sail trainers for interested Year 9s. Our first group commenced last week but we have a few places available for our second group of 4 students that plans to commence Thursday 3 November. The group runs for three weeks on Thursdays during Periods 1-3.
Interested students can email wellbeing on to express their interest in the program and ask any questions they have. This is a wonderful opportunity to not only have the opportunity to get out on the water and learn sailing skills but also develop valuable team work, communication and leadership skills.
Here is the link of another school engaging in the program to help inspire you to apply:
Di Douglas and Michael Barbas
Wellbeing Team