Ventured Magazine - October 2022

October 2022 Ventured
We hope you enjoy this latest issue. Thank you to everyone who has made this possible including Barbara Dowling our Editor and Libby Niven from Media Relations Pty Ltd who both splendidly bring our stories and content together. Also, to David Downie (Kosdown) for the exquisite hard copy printing. A huge thank you to all the past students and staff who assist us with their stories and contributions and, last but not least to Lynette our Secretary for all your assistance with just about everything, including “Ventured” distribution.
We are also very grateful to our sponsors, and we welcome our newest sponsor - The Sports Injury Clinic. Pippa Hanson nee Martin (MCHS 1987-1992) is the CEO, and she is also a Business, Health and Community Advocacy Speaker and host of the podcast “Keeping Up With Life”. Thank you Pippa!
In this issue we hear from past students and teachers and celebrate some significant events in the lives of our MCAA community:
Announcements include important forthcoming events in November:
- Our MCAA Annual General Meeting on Saturday November 12
- Class of 1992 reunion on Friday November 11
- Past students and staff School Tour on Thursday November 24
MCAA and The Royal Historical Society of Victoria (RHSV)
The MCAA Inc. is required to be insured and through our status, we are able to hold our policy with the RHSV. An added benefit is that this also provides us with valuable membership to the RHSV.
In October, an MCAA representative attended the RHSV seminar “Free, Secular, Compulsory - Victorian Education Act 1872 150th Anniversary”. This was a hugely valuable experience to reflect on our school’s long history and the events and impacts of its 100 years of contributing to education and society. There was much note taking, networking and ideas for our centenary history publication.
Our Historian-on-the-ground was delighted that one of the presentations included a tribute to the wisdom of the research of our Robyn Whiteley (MCHS 1957-59)! The presenter was overjoyed too with news that MCHS was so well represented, and connections could be followed up.
Annual General Meeting November 12, 2022 – 10.30 am - Heritage Centre, Como Parade, Parkdale
Please join us at our AGM and come and hear about our projects. New committee members are very welcome. The next year will be very interesting especially with the approaching school centenary in 2024.
We need assistance with all aspects of our operations including archiving, information/story collection, and social media help.
Dylan Styles has been a fantastic member of our team and has recently retired from the committee. We wish him all the very best in his new work role and thank you Dylan for all your great work for the MCAA.
The current committee is Ivor Donohue, Bruce Lines, Barbara Dowling, Morrie Hartman, Lynette Williams, Gillian Nash, Mitchell Sundstrom, Paula McCarthy and Eb Rabich.
We would love to welcome any of our members on board to assist with the celebration of the history and community of our school.
Lynette Williams