Principal's Message

Dear Parents,


Congratulations to Emily Reed and the junior team on an excellent junior Parish sports. It was such a positive and fun filled morning where our juniors finally got to get together with our Parish schools after the event being cancelled for the past few years. It was also lovely to see so many parents, grandparents and family members there all enjoying the event.


Being part of a Parish community provides our students with opportunities to connect and flourish as a faith community. It is a great example of the strength of collaboration and working for the common good of all of the students in our Parish. As the saying goes- “Alone we are strong but together we are stronger”. Many of our families across the three schools are connected and building this bigger Parish community for our students provides such a great platform for connection and collaboration.


Friday was also a great example of student voice and agency in action with our Year 6 leaders running the events and leading in style and also the Mini Vinnies from the three Parish schools gathering together at our wonderful St Joseph’s cafe to share a meal and plan some action they can take to make a difference in the world.


Our reviewer was so impressed with all of the student voice and agency we have in place at St Joseph’s and has recommended schools she works with to come and see it in action. This occurred on Friday where teachers from a Bayside school joined our Deputy Sue Jackson at our cafe and heard all about what we are doing to ensure our students have agency in their learning and opportunities to shine and flourish.


We continue with our upcoming preparation and transition program. This is such an important time of the year ensuring every child is ready to step up to the next stage of their journey. This process is scaffolded ensuring every child is prepared. We do this by bringing hope and optimism that the next part of the journey is going to be exciting and that they are prepared and capable to move forward.


As we head into the last few weeks of school we have many activities organised to ensure every student has a positive finish to the 2023 school year.  Activities such as swimming, beach days, triathlons, Colour runs and Christmas craft provide many opportunities for children to flourish. 


The link to the concert is being sent home this week via Operoo. Thanks to Sue Jackson for coordinating the video. Please make sure you do not share this video on any social media or any other platform to ensure that privacy for our students is of the highest priority.


Finally, we have our annual St Vincent De Paul Christmas hamper appeal and ask that all families support this most important appeal where we work to ensure we always have a lens on the poor and vulnerable in our community.


Yours in Partnership,
