Assistant Principals' Report

A message from Lea & Jodie 

Congratulations to all students for a successful 2022.  Well done in particular to all Year 7-9 students for their first full year of high school onsite.  We understand it has been challenging at times but you all managed to persevere and make the most of your opportunities. 


We would like to take this opportunity to thank our hard working staff for all the fantastic work that you do with our students. We appreciate everything that you do.

A big thank you also goes to the families of our Reservoir High School Community for all the support you have given us and your children over the past year.


Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr McNeil, on behalf of the Reservoir High School community, for his hard work, dedication and leadership over the last four years. His continued work on academic emphasis with high support has been highly regarded. He is always student centred and believes in developing the whole student. As a result of this our student outcomes have continued to improve and our extra curricula activities have expanded. At the same time Andrew has been an advocate for improving the physical environment and leaves many legacies behind with our building works. Andrew led us in a very difficult time, that will go down in history, and we therefore needed a strong leader who was decisive but also compassionate and caring and that’s exactly what we got from Mr McNeil. 


The Reservoir High School community will forever be grateful as Reservoir High School has continued to thrive under his leadership. The whole school community will miss him and we wish him all the best at his new school, Koonung SC.

          Bellow are some snapshots during Mr. McNeil time at Reservoir High 
August 2019
‎December ‎2022
International Day
International Day
Staff Meeting
2020 Awards
Lunchtime Club
Teaching during lockdown
Year 12 Formal 2022
August 2019
‎December ‎2022
International Day
International Day
Staff Meeting
2020 Awards
Lunchtime Club
Teaching during lockdown
Year 12 Formal 2022

We wish all students, staff and families a happy and safe holiday. We look forward to working with you all in 2023.


Lea Volpe and Jodie Purches 

Assistant Principals'