Important Dates

A calendar of school events

As we approach the end of the year, here are a few key dates for 2023. 


  2023Tuesday 31 January- All students return to school


The General Office will be open on the following times in the lead up to school starting on 

Tuesday 31 Jan-Monday 23/1- 9am-3pm (north of Yarra Book collection from 10am-Midday in the Library)


Tuesday 24/1- 9am-3pm


Friday 27/1- Midday -4pm


Monday 30/1- 9am-4pm


Student Free Days in 2023


For your advance planning, Student free or Curriculum Days in 2023 are-

Monday 24 April (first Day of Term 2)

Monday 10 July (First day of Term 3)

Monday 2 October (first day of Term 4) 


Parent Student and Teacher Conferences 


Thank you for the feedback on our structure of Parent Teacher and student conferences in 2023. The Semester 1 Conferences will be held on Wednesday 1 March and will be conducted face to face on the school site