Senior School News

As we reach the end of Term 1 we would like to remind all Senior School students that it is important to make sure they take a break over the holidays, but also use the time to organise themselves for the beginning of Term 2. Term 2 is a busy time in the senior school building towards exams at the end of term.


All students doing one or more unit 3 & 4 subjects this year will complete the General Achievement Test (GAT) on 9th June. The Year 12 practice exams will begin immediately after the GAT with the Year 10 and 11 exams beginning around the same time. It is important for all students to start the term feeling fresh and ready to go, but also to be up to date.


VCE students will also notice an increase in the number of SACs during Term 2. It is important to be well organised for this to help stay on top of the workload from the beginning.


We wish all students and their families a great break and look forward to seeing you next term.


Jeff Micallef

Senior School Leader


Year 12 News

What a fantastic event the Year 12 Formal was.  I would like to thank all of the captains, executive members, students and staff who attended for making the evening such a successful night for our students. 



As the weather is getting colder, it is important to remind parents and students to:

  • Check the winter uniform to make sure that it follows the school guidelines.  If students are needing to wear an non-school uniform item for any reason then a note should be presented to the senior school office, so that a uniform pass can be given.
  • Provide a medical certificate for absences longer that one day especially when students are missing a SAC.


I would like to wish our Year 12 students happy end of Term 1 holidays.  May sure you use this time off school to revise content completed during Term 1 and complete any homework set by your teachers.  You should be accessing VCAA past exam paper and examiners reports as a way of revising work.


Happy holidays and see you in Term 2.


Laura Brancatella

Year 12 Coordinator


Year 11 News

With Term 1 coming to end it is important to acknowledge the positive start the Year 11 cohort has made this year. While some students took a while to grasp the demands that come with VCE, for the most part, the senior school team is happy with how the year level has approached this first term. Students should have settled into the routine of study and SAC preparation, and be putting in the work that is required to meet each outcome in their subjects. 


Term 2 is extremely busy for VCE students, with regular SACs and mid-year exams. It is important that students arrive at the start of Term 2 fully up to date with their work so they are in a strong position to reach their potential in each subject and stay on top of the increasing workload. 


It is equally important that students take time to refresh, re-charge and relax over the holidays. 


For parents and guardians, hopefully you can use the feedback received at parent teacher interviews to help support your child’s learning both at school and at home. I have also recently sent out a video recording of the Year 11 Parent Information Evening (held in early March) via XUNO. 


Have a great break and stay safe. 


Daniel Mulligan

Year 11 Coordinator

Congratulations Chloe Kaufman

Congratulations Chloe Kaufman of Year 11 who recently came 3rd in the state championships for under 16 Javelin.


Daniel Mulligan

Year 11 Coordinator