Mathematics at GEC

March 14th, identified as 3.14 in some countries, is also an approximate value of the mathematical constant ∏ and hence considered as ‘Pi’ day and was declared as International Day of Mathematics (IDM) by UNESCO in 2019.


Though Maths is celebrated every day at Glen Eira College through our everyday teaching and learning program, last week, some junior classes managed to do activities to celebrate the International day of Mathematics.

Here is a snippet of those activities:


Students were asked to draw a circle of any size. Then they were asked to measure the circumference of the circle with a piece of a string.  Then they got the measurement of the diameter of the circle by using the piece of a string and a ruler.



Then the students were asked to divide this circumference length with the diameter of the circle. Regardless of the size of the circle, most of the answers were 3 and a fraction.  But, the student who got an answer that was closest to 3.14 was the winner and it was Lucas Agar in 9G Maths.


A few students from 9G also created a poster to the theme of IDM 2021, ‘Mathematics for a Better World’.


Thanks Ms Kaur for running this!

9C, 9D and 9E

Some Year 9 classes explored making different polyhedra using the net of those 3D objects.  This also linked in with their current topic on Measurement where they learnt about finding the total surface area of different 3D objects.  Thanks Ms Liu and Ms Vasgyura for running this activity!



7E did an investigation task on ‘Pi’.  They went around the school to find circular objects and then they measured their circumference and diameter using tape measures.  They then found the ratio of circumference and the diameter of each circle which all gave the same answer closer to 3.14.

Thanks Mr Sherman for running this activity!

Year 10 Linear Graphs

At the moment Year 10 are learning about linear modelling and understanding the linear equations by being able to interpret the gradient and the y-intercept.  Here are some activities (Tarsia puzzles) that students were working on in teams in Ms Deng’s class on linear graphs and linear equations:


Thanks Ms Deng for sharing this!

Exploration continues…



Arivu Kumaran

Maths Learning Area Leader