Spotlight on Learning

First Eucharist Reflection Day

In Year 4 we have been preparing for our First Eucharist.

Recently we spent the day at St John’s in Mitcham with other children in the Parish participating in lots of fun activities. 

We began our day with some getting to know you games.

Then we celebrated Mass with Fr Dispin. Fr Dispin taught us all about the connection between the story of Moses, Jesus at the Last Supper and the Sacrament of the Eucharist. In the classroom we are learning about this too.

After that we got to join in different activities with the group we will be making our First Eucharist with. We spent time meditating in the prayer garden, compared the scripture stories of Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand and The Last Supper and drew how we are going to live the Eucharist and be like Jesus in our own lives.

“I am going to be more like Jesus and live the Eucharist by taking care of the Environment” - Ryland H

“I am going to live the Eucharist when I leave Mass by donating money to Project Compassion to help those in need” - Elodie B

Over the next few weeks we will all have the chance to participate in our ‘Home Mass’ celebrations with our First Eucharist groups. We can’t wait to celebrate Mass and share a meal together! 






Recycling Jeans! 

As part of some fun activities we are looking at doing with the kids this year in the garden, we are looking for donations of old jeans you may have kicking around. The older the better...preferably ones that don't have any holes in them! 



Woolworths Discovery Garden

Our Grade 6 ‘Gardening Guru’s’ team would like to take advantage of the current Woolworths Discovery Garden promotion and would like your help. 

If you aren’t collecting and using the seedling kits yourself at home, we would love you to donate them to our gardening team. Just put them into a bag and send them to Mr.Flintoff’s 4F class.





Next Friday (19th March) is Ride 2 School Day. It is an opportunity to ride, walk or scoot to school and earn points for your house. Riding, walking or scooting to school helps promote the environment by reducing pollution in the air that comes from car exhausts. It also encourages personal fitness and wellbeing by starting your day with a hop in your step.


All students and families are invited to participate in National Ride 2 School day. So…



Get up 

Get out

And Get fit

For a good start to your day.


If you live further away from school, perhaps you could drive part of the way and walk, scoot or ride the rest!


Remember to keep safe by following road safety rules and  wear your helmet!


Connor Dowds and Mackenzie Ackland