Amplify - New Program for 

Years 9 & 10 


As a part of the Wantirna 21 initiatives, the College has been excited to introduce a new program to all year 9 and 10 students called Amplify. 


This term Year 9 students are developing their entrepreneurial skills in a unit titled Start Up and the Year 10s have been participating in a range of workshops focused on making safe, respectful and informed choices as they move to becoming more independent as adults.


Next term, both Year 9 and 10 students will participate in Amplify Choices. Amplify Choices will enable students to select from 20 different electives designed to build creative and critical thinking, healthy lifestyle choices and community involvement. All students had an opportunity to make suggestions and give feedback on the Amplify Choices. 


Over the next few days, your child will be selecting Amplify Choices for Term 2 only. This is done via WebPreferences and your child received an email with a link. Whilst most of the Amplify Choices are without charge, there are a few offered which attract a small cost. This cost will appear as a payment event on Compass next week. Please see due dates for Amplify Choices below. 



Wednesday 24th February – Amplify Choices launch Assembly 


Wednesday 24th February – students receive WebPreferences email 


9am Monday 1st March – WebPreferences closes 


Friday 5th MarchWednesday 17th March – Compass payments open 


Week of Monday 23rd March – students receive notification of Amplify Choice for Term 2 









Term 2 Amplify Choices 

Amplify Choice 


Multi Sports 


Fitness Club 


Girls AFL 


Boys AFL 


Lego Masters 


Robotics and Engineering 


STEM for girls 


Reflective Identity 


Film, composition and music 


Augmented Reality 




Musical Theatre for beginners 


J’aime la France 


Basic Finances for life 


Life Skills Cooking 


Gardeners Club 


Leading our community 


Amplify Magazine Publishing 


Yoga and Mindfulness 


Self Defence 



Katrina King

Later Years Leader - VCAL and Pathways