Later Years
Year 10 Exploring Futures City Stay
Thursday June 10- Friday June 11
The Later Years Team is excited to announce a new overnight experience for all Year 10 students.
The Exploring Futures City Stay will include a day of university and TAFE visits with an overnight stay in the city plus a second day with a selection of career-based options.
Due to our current Year 10s having missed City Experience last year, we aim to include an opportunity for students to experience some of the fun activities that are usually highlights for them in Year 9.
The base cost of the camp will be $125 which include accommodation, dinner and breakfast plus a compulsory workshop to investigate disadvantage in our community. Students will purchase their own lunch and may then select an optional evening activity and an optional Day 2 activity of which there will be no cost activities and some which a attract a payment of no more than $50.
A full program will be provided at the beginning of Term 2 and we look forward to working with the Year 10s on creating an amazing experience for them.
Katrina King
Later Years Leader - VCAL and Pathways