Middle Years

The Year 9s have made a great start to 2021.
They have returned to school and faced new challenges already, including a new timetable, new classes and even a fresh run at remote learning. They’ve taken these challenges in their stride and risen to the occasion.
They have many things to look forward to and get excited about this year, including their Amplify choices, City Experience and Year 9 camps in Term 4 (keeping our fingers crossed!). Intermediate sports are well under way, and for those of you participating, good luck competing in your competitions.
We also wish to emphasise the importance of arriving to class on time with the correct equipment, to ensure that learning is not interrupted with trips to collect materials from lockers.
Well done on your positive start, Year 9, and we are looking forward to the rest of the year.
Mr Karwan and Mrs Digby
Year 9 Year Level Leaders