Room 3


Civics and Citizenship


Its been a busy start to the year in room 3. Students have been exploring our identity through the question ‘What does it mean to be Australian?’ Students shared the values that are important to them as individuals and as a class came up with their top 5 values we believe are important to create a happy, working society. 


Here are our wonderful posters that we have on display in class.

Garden Sustainability


This term students are involved in developing sustainable practices to help promote our kitchen garden. So far the students have investigated which edible plants are suited to be planted during summer and already have a wonderful vegetable garden growing consisting of silver beet, tomatoes, spinach, peas and beans which students tend to daily.


Their goal this term is to reduce unnecessary waste at Hampstead Primary through setting up a sustainable composting programme which will reduce our schools footprint and help rejuvenate the quality of our soil.


Here are some photos of us busy in the garden.