Principal's Report
We have had a busy few weeks at school and it has been great to see the students forming new relationships, settling into their learning and embracing our school values of Respect, Care and Personal Growth.
Information and consent forms have been sent home for families to complete. We would appreciate if families could return these to the front office as soon as possible. It is very important that we have up to date contact details for all families, in case of an emergency.
Our year 6’s and 7’s are on camp this week at West Beach having a wonderful time participating in team building activities. We are looking forward to hearing all about it when they return on Friday afternoon.
Last Monday 15th February our staff attended training on the Berry Street Education model. Staff learnt many new strategies to support all students in their social and emotional learning and to help support their wellbeing. It was a fantastic opportunity for our staff.
Swimming lessons for students in Reception to year 5 will occur in week 8, the 15th -19th of March. More information and swimming consent forms will be sent home in the coming weeks.
All parents and caregivers will be invited to attend our open morning on Wednesday 10th March, for an opportunity to meet your child’s class teacher and see their learning environment. Due to Covid restrictions we will be offering two sessions: 9:00 – 9:30 and 9:30 – 10:00am. Your child’s class teacher will be sending more information home which will have your time slot and invitation.