Student Musings on Remote Learning

The Start of A Different Journey

First day of remote learning has been interesting, with Compass crashing during the first lesson, but nothing we couldn’t work through with the class!

Anyway, I thought this was funny. I went for a small break and when I got back my cat was sitting on my seat as if she wanted to go and do the work for me ! She’s quite the character.

by Anna Year 12

Not Quite the Expected Start to Term Two

Ok, let’s be honest, I don’t think that anyone would’ve thought that term two 2020 would look like this. I thought I’d be doing year seven in a classroom, not in a pop up camper. But with this crazy pandemic, it looks like I’m just going to have to roll with it for a while. Today was the first day of online school for me. And it kicked off with a website crash. Compass basically had a mental breakdown from all the people using it! But eventually that sorted out and I got on with my day.

My family’s setup is as follows:

We have me, doing school in our Jayco ‘swan outback’ pop up camper we bought last year. It’s nice and quiet in there (without my siblings. They make a lot of noise!). And then we have my dad’s office in the garage whilst he works from home. And last we have my younger brother and sister doing their schoolwork at a table with all of their stuff on there. My mum is inside too doing all the things that keeps our family running smoothly! She sometimes comes out to the camper for a bit if I need help with anything.


I can definitely say that this is the strangest school term and school holidays I have ever had! I mean it’s pretty weird being stuck at home because of a virus outbreak. And I will tell you now that’s a sentence I never ever thought I would say. Over the holidays, I’ve kept in touch with my friends via texting, Houseparty, FaceTime and even just calling them when we can’t physically see each other. As you probably know, this is a seriously unorthodox situation and everyone is doing their best. This experience has made me appreciate the little things in life. I don’t think

that I have set foot in a shop for a long while now! I can’t wait till this is over but at the same time, I will say that I am enjoying a little too!


By Ella Year 7 J