Kindergarten News

Dickins Room


We are continuing to learn and develop in both of our classes at Kinder. The children have been incredibly settled this week and we have used the quieter days to extend individual children in their learning as well as to build strong and lasting relationships.


Our three year old class has been enjoying songs and dancing this week, laughing as they interacted together.

Our four year old class has spent time outside, playing in the beautiful weather. They have also interacted with yoga, construction, dancing to go noodle and the macarena- which was a very fun experience.


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Al and Mardi.

Moore Room

We have had an amazing term with great connections being made with all the children and our families. We thank you for all your support in helping us to create this wonderful community.


Although we had low numbers we did have some beautiful weather enabling great outdoor play and some wonderful picnics. We have been looking at birds – there habitats and what they eat. Creative, descriptive craft as well as creativity in our hairdressers. We will continue all of this into our term two learning as revisiting concepts affords children to make sense of their world, their selves and others as well as objects and the environment.


Whilst we have an early start to our holiday period we wish all our families safety, connection to loved ones during these uncertain times and look forward to seeing everyone for a fun filled exciting term two.


Kelly-Anne, Treesje, Julie and Jo