Discovery Centre

Another week in the Discovery Centre involved hands-on sessions, curious discussions and reflecting on our learning.

We opened up our week with PMP - students look forward to these sessions and we thank our parent and friend helpers for their continued support! This week we built upon our gross motor skills through crawling, rolling and some jumping and landing.

In Mathematics, students have continued to build upon their knowledge of numbers. We have been really working hard on recognising how numbers can be represented differently, specifically as dominoes, dots, teddies and in even more ways! Our Mathematics Sessions this week also focused on 2D Shapes.  Students participated in hands on learning through their 'shape-hunt'. We worked collaboratively to find 2D shapes both inside and outside in the sunshine!

 Students recorded what shapes they had found during the 'shape hunt' and continued to work on their knowledge of shapes throughout the week, through forming shapes with play dough and constructing shapes from 2D wooden shape blocks. We shared our shape constructions with one another and some students described their shapes as we shared these on the classroom screen.

Finding Circles in the yard!
Reading Groups
Working collaboratively to build shapes
Jumping high in PMP!
Letter formation in Literacy
Sharing our shapes on the big screen!
Reading together with our whisper-phones
Finding Circles in the yard!
Reading Groups
Working collaboratively to build shapes
Jumping high in PMP!
Letter formation in Literacy
Sharing our shapes on the big screen!
Reading together with our whisper-phones


In Literacy, students have continued to work on recounting their weekend activities. Many students worked hard to hear the sounds of letters, and form these letters on whiteboards and in their books. We have also really enjoyed our Reading Rotations in the Discovery Centre - students are settling into their groups and working collaboratively to support each other in their learning! Students have also been practicing their recognition of sounds, to support our reading and understanding of texts.  We love discussing our predictions before we open the book and then sequencing what happened first, in the middle and at the end of the book too.

We had a wonderful week in the Discovery Centre and wish every one a safe and happy break.

Erin Dawson, Jessica Tossell, Brooke Henwood and Yana Gill. 

Student Voice

Why do you love Junior Rotations?

"I loved drawing my elephant!" - Ben, FG.

"I like meeting my friends in other grades!" - Ollie, FG.


  • Reading Eggs and Mathletics usernames and log-ins are stapled into the first page of student's reading journals.
  • Students have been using headphones with iPads in Reading Rotations, please remember to bring headphones to school!