Middle School - Year 7 to 9

Textiles Class Excursion -

Exploring Fast Fashion


Reflection by Aiden R (9C)


On Tuesday, 10 March, Miss McGuinness’ Year 9 class went on an excursion to Collingwood as part of the Melbourne Fashion Festival.


On this day, students learnt about the effects of fast fashion and how much waste is produced.


What activities took place?

Students caught the bus into the city and and walked about three minutes towards their location. When they arrived, they where greeted by the staff. The first activity was to construct an outfit with the clothing items given, and sew parts together to create accessories.


This pile was actually clothes that were discarded and donated to op shops. However, op shops are getting more clothes than they can sell.


The solution is not to throw out clothing, as it goes to landfill. The solution is to stop buying items you only wear once or twice, and to stop fast fashion, by buying less clothes, in less time.


What exactly is fast fashion?

Fast fashion refers to trendy items that people would typically like to wear, but once it goes out of style, they throw away or donate them to op shops.


Why should we stop fast fashion?

An average cotton t-shirt requires enough water for one person, for three years. If we can reduce fast fashion, we can save water supplies for more useful purposes, like farms and for drinking water.