Volunteer Interview

Heather Lorio

Why do you volunteer at BNPS?

I volunteer for a few reasons but mainly because I know how much children love seeing their parents at school. Last year I had more free time and being new to BNPS it was a lovely way to meet people, see how the school ran and make connections to make me feel a sense of belonging.

What year level are your children in?

Michael is in Year 5 and Genevieve (commonly known as Evie) is in Year 3. 

What roles have you volunteered for during your time at BNPS?

I have done Canteen, Uniform Shop, Mother's Day Stall, the Clothing stall at last year's fete and next year I will be doing the Fairy Floss stall. 

What is your background/current role (outside of BNPS!)?

After 10 years in corporate procurement I decided to fulfil my childhood wish of being a teacher, so whilst the children were babies, I studied again and qualified as a primary school teacher. I have recently had my qualifications recognised by Australia so I can now say I am a Victorian Registered Teacher. However, at the moment I am working in a small educational publishing company that publishes guided and take-home readers. 

What do you do during your spare time?

I love walking at the bay and exploring all the wonderful sights of Melbourne. 

What’s the best thing about BNPS?

That both my kids love going to school which gives me a sense of peace that they are happy, stimulated and having fun.