Embracing Failure 

Learning how to embrace and bounce back from mistakes & failure


5 Tips for Parents!

  1. When you see that your child is struggling or having a hard time, empathise with them. Be sure not to brush off their feelings.
  2. Try using language like 'I know you're really disappointed and that you wanted to do better'.
  3. Explain to your child that everyone fails and offer a story about a time when you yourself failed. You can model for your child how to handle frustration and disappointment. Remember, kids are always watching and taking cues from parents.
  4. Look at failure as a chance to teach your child a lesson about resilience. Talk through what went wrong and use problem solving skills to come up with a plan for what to do next time.
  5. If at first you don't succeed, try again. Remind your child that they can try again and use this failure as a learning experience.


Clinical Psychologist, Jamie Howard

Audri's Rube Goldberg Monster Trap

The following clip (for students) highlights the importance and benefits of learning how to fail. Audri encounters a number of challenges, however what is most exciting is the way he uses his experiences to ultimately achieve success!

Good parents let their children fail - often