Principal's Report

“Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose." - Zora Neale Hurston

Term 3 is off to a wonderful start and I commend staff and students for the manner in which they have re-engaged with all aspects of school life.

Year 6 PYP Exhibition

Congratulations to the Year 6 staff, students and mentors on an amazing PYP Exhibition (held yesterday) exploring the Central Idea ‘Innovation in technology affects society and the environment'. The students engaged in weeks and weeks of preliminary tasks including research, meetings and organising digital technology requirements, and should be extremely proud of their efforts - please see the photos 'Year 6 PYP Exhibition' page of this newsletter.

I would sincerely like to thank everyone involved for sharing their skills and experience to ensure that everything came together so successfully on the day.

Sporting Achievements

A huge congratulations to Kiara M (6B) who competed in the Victorian State Cross Country Championships last Thursday - an amazing achievement! Congratulations also, to the Year 5/6 AFL Team and the Year 6 Mixed Netball Team who have played at the District and Divisional levels in the last fortnight.

A full report is provided on the 'PE & Sports News' page of this newsletter.

Staffing Update

Sheryl Loader (OSHC Educator) has resigned and I would like to thank her sincerely for her time and commitment to our Outside School Hours Program over the years. We will miss you Sheryl!

I would like to welcome Annie Thomas to her new role as Teacher Assistant in Year 6.

Annie will also continue in her role as Uniform Shop Coordinator.

A HUGE Thank You!

I would like to sincerely thank Ben Miskin and Irena Peoples for keeping the Canteen operating in the last week of Term 2 and the first week of this term whilst Jenny Marashli, our Canteen Manager, was enjoying a well-deserved holiday in Europe.



I would also like to thank Di Hay who has done a wonderful job coordinating the Woolworths Earn and Learn Program in order to secure some wonderful Mathematics and Literacy Resources for our school (to be delivered later this term).

Student Led Conferences

This Term the students will be involved in Student Led Conferences. These Conferences provide the opportunity for our students to share their learning with their parents. Students may reflect and discuss their work samples, identifying their strengths and areas for improvement. They also give their parents the chance to gain a clear insight into what they are doing at school. 

I look forward to the ongoing engagement of all members of our school community to provide a strong foundation for delivering the best possible learning outcomes for our children. Please see the Compass News Feed for booking information.

The Cold and Flu Season

The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) have advised that influenza is increasing throughout Victoria. Schools are also reporting higher rates of students affected by influenza. As such, schools have been advised to follow the steps below: 

  1. Encourage students with cold or flu-like symptoms to seek medical attention. Common flu-like symptoms include a high fever, a cough, a runny nose, loss of appetite, body aches and feeling extremely weak and tired. Diagnosis should only be made by a medical practitioner.
  2. Any students with colds or flu-like symptoms should limit contact with others and stay at home until their symptoms have passed.
  3. If a student becomes ill at school with these symptoms, contact the family and arrange to pick up the student.
  4. Good general hygiene is the best defence against infection. Encourage students to wash their hands regularly. Ask them to cover their nose and mouth when sneezing and coughing.

Proper hand washing is one of the best ways to reduce spreading illness and staying healthy. Please watch the clip below and visit Be a Soapy Hero for more information. 

You might also like to visit Fight flu this winter for tips on preventing the spread of the flu.

School Ground Works

Handrails and balustrading for the new deck around the portable toilets have been installed and the protective barrier for the cross bars of the undercover Assembly area is now complete.



A new drainage system has also been created near the Library end of the Main Building and the Art Room.

NOT a Walkway

Temporary fencing has been erected between the back of the Amphitheatre and the Science Room. Please note that this area is NOT a walkway.

‘Kiss N’ Go Zone’/Parking

Please ensure that ANYONE who collects or drops your child at school is aware that the Two Minute ‘Kiss N’ Go Zone’ on Wood Street is NOT A PARKING ZONE.

This area is for parents/carers who wish to quickly drop/collect their children WITHIN A TWO MINUTE TIME FRAME



If you need to walk in or spend more time at school, you must park in one of the surrounding streets, in a legal parking area. The times of operation for the two minute parking bays (as reflected by the signage) are 8.30am - 9.15am and 3.00pm - 4.00pm on school days.


The misuse of the ‘Kiss N Go’ zones is an ongoing issue which is extremely frustrating for parents/carers who do the right thing, and of course, a safety concern for our students - drivers are resorting to unsafe practices such as double parking when they are unable to use this zone as intended. 


I also remind you that staff carparks are for STAFF USE ONLY. Staff car parks are out of bounds to all pedestrian and motor traffic other than staff themselves.


Once again, I urge all school community members to do the right thing and encourage you to report the misuse of the Two Minute Zone to the Bayside Council on 9599 4444. 

2019 Parent Opinion Survey

All schools must generate a random sample of approximately 30% of parents to undertake the annual DET Parent Opinion Survey. The survey is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of parents’ perceptions of school climate, student behaviour and student engagement. 


If you have received an email, I encourage you to compete the online survey by 11 August 2019 to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank those who responded to our Term 2 'Feedback and Suggestions' survey. As always, all feedback has been passed on to the relevant teams and will be prioritised and considered.

Looking Ahead...

Planning for 2020 has commenced. If your child is not returning to Beaumaris North Primary School in 2020, please let myself or the Office know as soon as possible as our class structure, specialist programs and staffing profile is based on student enrolments.

Sherril Duffy
