
The students of Bimbadeen Heights are amazing!


These students have all received 10 or more tokens for showing our school values in their attitude and behaviour.




Congratulations to:


Isaac T.      0BD     40 tokens


Levi D.        0LN    10 tokens


Olivia H.     0TJ      25 tokens


Aubrey S.   1JG     50 tokens


Heath G.     1JG     25 tokens


Shilah G.     34M   10 tokens


Racy C.        6JG    20 tokens



Celebration of reaching the heights day!!

On Thursday 24th June we celebrated all four of our values reaching the maximum limit in the token tubes! This means Term 2 has seen an incredible effort by the students to display our four school values of resilience, respect, integrity and compassion. We are super proud!


We chose to have a free dress day and a Zooper Dooper treat at lunchtime to reward the students for their choice to continually use our values every day.


Here are a couple of happy snaps with the students wearing bright colours and big smiles-
