Vale: Br Denis Moore

Deputy Principal of SVC, Long serving Principal of Parade College

Br Denis Moore cfc was a giant in the history and story of Parade College and of Edmund Rice Education Australia. Br Denis died peacefully on February 19, 2021.

Denis James Moore was born on October 15, 1949 in Sunshine, a western suburb of Melbourne, Victoria. He was born to Colin James Moore (born May 5, 1923; died April 12, 2016) and Shirley Patricia Moore – nee Malady (born 26 December, 1926; died April 12, 1989). Br Denis is the eldest of six children.  He celebrated his Golden Jubilee as a Christian Brother in 2018 and twenty-five years as a Principal of Parade College in 2019. 


As well as leading Parade College, Br Denis held leadership positions at a number of EREA schools including: St Patrick’s College, Prospect Vale, Tasmania; CBC St Kilda; St Virgil’s College, Hobart, St Kevin’s College, Toorak and St Patrick’s College, Ballarat. he was a humble, servant leader with great vision and determination to build and lead great schools for boys. His legacy at Parade is their wonderful facilities and strong academic culture which Br Dennis helped to shape over his time in leadership.