Senior School News
VCE News
Outstanding work from all of our Year 11 and 12 VCE students over the first half of this year! It has been a remarkable achievement by all to navigate the challenges of VCE while at the same time juggling the demands of remote learning and sporadic lockdowns. We are all very proud of the resilience and determination demonstrated by all of our students, and look forward to seeing them reap the benefits of their hard work at the end of the year! As always, we would encourage students to attend as many of the extra-curricular events that we run for students to enhance their time at the college, including the Homework Club each night afterschool, or the range of clubs offered by teachers over the course of the day.
Mid-Year Exams
All students enrolled in a VCE subject recently completed their mid-year exams for each of their Unit 1 or Unit 3 subjects. These exams were run to VCE specifications in order to prepare students for the reality of the externally run Year 12 exams which take place at the college at the end of the year. The students must be commended for their resilience and adaptability as this period was cut down from a fortnight, to a week and a half, to one week, based on Department guidelines and the state-wide lockdown. We were absolutely blown away by the diligence and professionalism demonstrated by all of our students, who used the exam period to showcase everything they had learnt throughout first semester. Thanks must also be given to all of the staff who assisted with the smooth running of the exams during the lockdown period. A very successful assessment period to be sure.
General Achievement Test (GAT)
As you are all aware, the General Achievement Test (GAT) which is used by VCAA to help calculate student’s ATAR and Study Scores has been temporarily postponed due to Victoria’s recent lockdown. We will let the school community know of the revised date as soon as it is made available.
VTAC Course Selection.
As Term Three approaches, we applaud all of the Year 12 students who are still working diligently towards achieving their VCE. Their final full term of their thirteen years of schooling is potentially their most important, as it prepares them for life after McClelland. During MAP time, teachers and careers advisors will begin assisting students with selecting their preferred university courses for 2022. Wednesday 4th August is a date for all to pencil in to their diaries, as we will have a delegate from Monash University coming to the College to step through with students how to apply to university. More information regarding this process will be conveyed to students and parents over the coming weeks. VCE
End of Year Exams
VCAA have recently released the end of year timetable for the Year 12 exams which can befound at this link. We would encourage all students enrolled in a Unit 3/4 subject to check the timetable carefully to begin planning and preparing for these crucial end of year assessments. MAP time will also be dedicated to ensuring that students are aware of the times and dates that they are required at school.
Exam Revision Lectures
Over the coming weeks, Year 12 teachers will begin disseminating information regarding exam revision lectures to be held towards the end of Term Three. These could take a variety of forms, including being run by Connect Education (a branch of the esteemed Elevate Education Group) or by high performing ex-students returning to the College to share their knowledge. Please keep an eye on Compass for any of these events which may requirement payment. CSEF and scholarship funds can be used to cover any expenses.
Celebration Day and Valedictory
As the end of year fast approaches, we begin to turn our attention to some of the celebratory milestones that mark the end of our students’ time at McClelland College. These include both Celebration Day and the Valedictory Dinner. Over the coming weeks, we will be calling on any interested Year 12 students to assist with the planning and preparation for both of these events. As I sure that you all appreciate, we will be making sure that any events are COVID safe and adhere to Department and Government guidelines. We will also be making sure that we have a Plan B, C and D in the eventuality of a lockdown or restrictions. Similar to last year, we want to ensure that parents are somehow involved in the Valedictory Dinner, however this may need to be through an online link to ensure that we adhere to any rules and restrictions. More information regarding both of these events will be released over the coming weeks.
Staff vs Student Competition
The Staff vs Student Competition is all square at three all after the staff completed a demolition job on the students at the annual trivia event. Despite the disparity of numbers (roughly fifty students competing against fifteen staff), the combined efforts of our staff team led by Anthony Joy and Emma Sproule were too good for the students, who were gallantly led by the amazing organisational skills of School Captain Vivone Street. The next event will be the hotly anticipated Volleyball, where the staff will face stiff competition from the rampant Senior Boys and Girls teams, who were dominant at the recent interschool sports.