Principal's Message
Amadeo Ferra
Principal's Message
Amadeo Ferra
Firstly I’d like to acknowledge all the hard work of our teachers and support staff to help our students do their best. The students who continued to work hard during the recent lockdowns will reap the rewards. Our tutoring program is having a real impact on the students who were significantly impacted by remote learning last year, but it does rely on student engagement so I encourage all parents and carers to speak to their child about their school work and show a keen interest in what they are doing.
I would like to thank Sarah Keating from Beaumaris Secondary College for spending seven weeks here completing an internship as part of her principal preparation program. Sarah has been an active and curious learner and has brought a very positive attitude which is extremely important as a principal class officer. On a personal note, I’ve enjoyed having her here (even if she barracks for Geelong) and I hope we have been able to help her on her leadership journey. On behalf of all the McClelland College community I want to thank Sarah and wish her all the best in the future.
A reminder to parents and carers, that whilst the cleaners may open the school gates quite early in the mornings, teachers are not on duty until 8:30am each morning so student supervision is not possible prior to that time.
Course counselling time is fast approaching and booklets will be uploaded to Compass today, and packages with interview times will be given to students in the first week back. It is important to take the time to read through this important information as any changes need to be made before courses and subjects commence.
Semester 1 reports will be published in the afternoon of Friday the 25th June. I encourage you to download these reports from Compass, and openly discuss your child’s progress with them. Please feel free to contact the relevant teacher of a subject if you have any further questions following the term break. Further to this, if you didn’t already know, as a college we report on student progress after each assessment task. This feedback can be found on Compass under the Learning Tasks tab and is another good opportunity to speak with your child about the progress.
Have a great break everyone. For those of you travelling to some place warmer or less restricted –lucky you! For those just staying home and recharging the batteries –enjoy!
Below are some great resources for mental health that students can access over the break.
Mental health support, resources and advice are available for students and families to access over the holidays
The Department has developed two fact sheets (attached) for students and families to support the mental health and wellbeing of students over the school holidays.
The fact sheets highlight resources and guidance which:
The facts sheets are available in 19 different languages, to support all families and students to access support. Refer to the Mental health toolkit web page to download the fact sheets.