Respectful Relationships
We have witnessed over the past few months that women and girls still face extraordinary challenges in their schools and places of work. The widely reported incidents that led to the 'Women’s March 4 Justice’ have sadly been supported by the 2021 World Economic Forum ‘Global Gender Gap Report’ where Australia has slipped to 50th place worldwide (the lowest position occupied in the last 16 years) regarding the four metrics of politics, health, education and economy. There has never been a more important time to actively teach our children and young people about respectful relationships. How as key stakeholders – parents, teachers, students – do we achieve this? There is an abundance of research (especially following the 2015 Royal Commission into Family Violence), but how can we as a community ensure that we are communicating the right messages? If only it was as simple as having a conversation with a young person about consent at a certain age.
In 2021 our children and young people have access to technology and information that we could never have imagined 30 years ago. At the touch of a fingertip, they can access everything that they may need (and more). The answer (or misinformation) to almost any question can be found by a simple google search and almost any skill can be learnt from a YouTube tutorial. Talking to our young people, and talking to them often, is one of the greatest things that we can do to keep them safe. Talking to them constantly about what is important to them (no matter how trivial it may seem) teaches them that they are valued and important and builds the resilience and self-esteem that will protect them throughout their lives.
Teaching students about respectful relationships is a complex and long-term project that requires a whole community effort and one that McClelland College is committed to. Through the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships program we aim to teach the students about their own emotions; about the perspectives of others; and about the value of empathy and compassion. Teaching these skills will support them to navigate their relationships throughout their schooling and beyond the gates of McClelland College. Please don’t hesitate to contact the McClelland College Respectful Relationships team if you would like some more information or if you are interested in getting involved.
Read the 2021 Global Gender Gap Report here