Kharisma Kids - OSHC 

This week saw the return to face-to-face learning and it was a great feeling arriving to set up for afternoon care sessions and see the space full of students and the sounds of a back to normal learning environment.  


The Olympics was our theming this week to tie in with the Tokyo Olympics happening this week.  This complimented the schools Olympic activities during their school day. 



During this week we have a few areas of focus that we concentrated on with the children in attendance with the Olympics theme.  Children’s highlight was one of the afternoon teas.  Marlene baked children a green and gold team themed cake, which was enjoyed by all!!



  • Children got to complete some origami Olympic rings (Following directions, use of fine motor skills, and helping 



  • As part of ever-changing window display area, children got to colour in some sports themed pictures (Sharing resources, waiting turns, practicing fine motor skills, and concentration)


  • Children got to design their own Olympic medals, as well as design their own Olympics outfits. (Using their imaginations using a range of drawing media such as felt tip pens, pencils, and crayons)

In the coming weeks we look forward to seeing some more of our families returning to use our programme. 


The enrolment process can take a day or two so think ahead if you may need to use the program in the future.  There is no cost to enrol and it can be kept on file so as soon as you need us we can activate the enrolment.


To enrol visit




The Kharisma Kids Team