Junior School

Supporting Student Learning
Since the conclusion of the Parent/Teacher Interview process held at the end of last semester, I have been asked by numerous families how they can support their child’s own learning from home. My response always includes variations of the following information with an emphasis on the value of continuing to build strong family relationships, while ensuring a healthy balance between the completion of necessary work and time spent exercising, as well as simply relaxing. These elements are foundational, not only now, but also into the future as they serve as foundational pillars in supporting healthy wellbeing.
As parents, you hold the key to shaping your son's educational journey, particularly during this stage of his learning as he comes toward the end of his primary school years. Boys at this age are eager learners, soaking up knowledge like sponges. One of the most valuable learning habits parents can instil from home is daily reading together. Choosing age-appropriate books that align with their interests, engaging in storytelling, and encouraging them to express their thoughts, all cultivate a love for learning and also strengthens the parent-child bond.
Creating a designated study area at home is another important step. Collaborating with your child to design a cosy and organised space reinforces a sense of ownership over their learning. An environment free from distractions, such as televisions or video games, fosters concentration and productivity during homework time. Having a dedicated area signals to young minds that it's time to focus. However, learning should not be limited to set homework. Encourage your son to explore the world through various activities. Cultural experiences and trips to unique places ignite curiosity about the world around them and foster an inquiring mind. Engaging in hands-on experiments, arts and crafts projects, and educational games promotes problem-solving and critical thinking skills, making learning more enjoyable overall.
Furthermore, establishing a consistent routine is significant. A balanced daily schedule that includes dedicated learning time, exercise, play, and rest creates stability and reduces anxiety. Adequate sleep is equally important, as it enhances memory consolidation and overall wellbeing. Consistent bedtime routines are also key. If your son is tired due to staying up late, he will simply not be ready for learning at school the next day.
Nurturing curiosity and embracing questions are fundamental. Stage 3 boys are still naturally curious, and fostering this curiosity helps them to become independent seekers of knowledge. Encourage questioning and provide thoughtful answers. If you don't know the answer, embark on a learning journey together to find it!
At every turn, recognising and celebrating effort and progress are powerful motivators. Regardless of the outcome, praise your son's efforts, big and small. Positive reinforcement builds confidence and instils a growth mindset where challenges are seen as opportunities to learn and improve.
Finally, you are the primary role models for your children. Demonstrate your passion for learning by engaging in your own educational pursuits. Share your interests, hobbies, and learning experiences with your child. Show them that learning is a lifelong journey, and it's never too late to acquire new knowledge, skills and foster good learning habits. Reading together daily, creating a designated study area, engaging in fun educational activities, embracing a consistent routine, encouraging curiosity, celebrating effort, and being role models for lifelong learning are all essential elements in unlocking the full potential of young boys. These habits set them on a path to success, not only in academics, but also in their own personal growth and development.
Promoting Parental Engagement
In the Junior School, we are always looking for different ways in which we can share the educational journey of our students with their parents. Sometimes, these opportunities exist within the classroom such as our upcoming Celebration of Learning events (more information on this initiative is detailed below), while on other occasions it could involve attending a particular sports carnival or musical performance. Every now and then, we also have unique engagement opportunities for extended family such as our Year 5 Grandparents’ Day event, which was held at school last Friday.
This is always a significant occasion in the Junior School calendar and represents a wonderful chance for any grandparents of our Year 5 students to visit the College. It was truly heartwarming to see the way in which the boys interacted with their grandparents last week as they shared a beautiful Mass together, before experiencing the sparkling new Scientia Building; a perfect location to enjoy morning tea! Our Year 5 boys then invited their grandparents into their own classroom and proudly showcased various work samples reflecting some of their learning experiences from the year thus far.
This Friday 4 August, we have another opportunity for selected parents to be able to attend the College as we will be holding our Semester One Academic Awards Assembly in the Gym, beginning at 8:45 AM. Please note that parents/carers of student prize winners have already been sent further information about this upcoming event.
In Week 6 of this term, all Junior School boys will be participating in our book character parade in recognition of Children’s Book Week. This colourful, fun-filled experience will take place on Wednesday 23 August between 9:00 AM – 9:40 AM and will be held on SPC2 (Junior School football field). The 2023 Book Week theme is ‘Read, Grow, Inspire’ and all students are encouraged to come to school dressed as their favourite book character on the day. We can’t wait for parents/carers to share in this wonderful occasion with the boys!
Finally, towards the end of this term in Week 9, both Year 5 and Year 6 will be holding their own Celebration of Learning event for parents/carers to attend. This engagement opportunity will take place for Year 5 parents/carers on Wednesday 13 September, and for Year 6 parents/carers on Thursday 14 September. On both days, the event will begin at 2:30 PM and conclude at 3:30 PM.
Parents/carers are warmly invited to attend the particular grade event their son is taking part in and are asked to visit his specific Junior School classroom just before 2:30 PM on the day. During the session, students will present different samples of work across chosen Key Learning Areas. The boys will also have several questions prepared beforehand for parents/carers to ask them about in order to promote further discussion of their learning.
Parents/carers are also asked to please take the time to view the work that other students are presenting, rather than solely focusing on their own son as some students may not have parents/carers present. Any students who need to leave school at 3:10 PM to catch public transport will be allowed to do so.
As a Junior School staff, we are committed to offering a variety of opportunities for our parents/carers to feel engaged with their son’s education at school and look forward to hosting those parents who are able to attend the different upcoming initiatives being promoted this term.
If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me via email (glenn.stephenson@spc.nsw.edu.au) or phone (8705 9247) and I will endeavour to assist you in any way that I can.
May God bless you,
Glenn Stephenson
Director of Junior School
Da Vinci Decathlon
Congratulations to the Year 5 and 6 students who competed in the Da Vinci Decathlon held at Knox Grammar School last week. Over 1,000 students gathered in ‘The Great Hall’ for a day of gruelling challenges. The students worked collaboratively across a range of demanding tests including Cartography, Mathematics, Science, Code Breaking, Ideation, Science, Art and Poetry, and Creative Producers. Special mention goes to our Year 6 team who placed third in the Science task, an incredible achievement. Thank you to Ms Viney and Ms Mazoudier who worked closely with the students in the lead up to the event.
ICAS Assessments
Thank you to the many parents/carers who registered their sons for the upcoming ICAS Assessments. Please take note of the time/date for each assessment.
- English Year 5 and 6: Monday 14 August 8:00 AM
- Science Year 5 and 6: Tuesday 22 August 8:00 AM
- Mathematics Year 5 and 6: Tuesday 29 August 8:00 AM
Students are to meet in the Powell Pavilion at 7:50 AM to ensure we begin the assessments at 8:00 AM sharp. Please make sure your son knows he is participating in this competition so that he can keep an eye out for announcements at school.
Sarah Tatola
Junior School Learning Support and Enrichment Coordinator