Learning and Teaching 

Learning & Teaching

Year 2

In Term Three, Year Two is exploring a Paddock to Plate investigation unit. Last Friday students went on an excursion to Beechworth Bakery, Campaspe Library and Radcliffe's restaurant. There was great energy and excitement throughout the day as the students got to experience the process of how we make shortbread and bread, how honey is harvested and a tasting experience and kitchen tour at Radcliffes. 


We would like to thank the Mitchell family, Brian and Marzi and our parent volunteers for supporting us with our learning. 





Year 4

In Year Four we have been writing to persuade and have incorporated our Inquiry topic of Healthy Living.  Last week Year Four learnt the processes of debating, how to compose powerful arguments and skills to deliver confidently infront of an audience in the attempt to persuade. They debated whether screen time for children should be limited.