Mrs Ryan's Fortnightly Reflections

We are all Learners

This week we reached our mid way point to the third term. There is such great engagement, learning and excitement occurring throughout our classrooms and it overwhelms me that every time I enter a community I am greeted by an excited person busting to tell me what they are learning about! From deep thinking in inquiry to self motivation to track their own progression - we are seeing growth and learning all around us! 


It is with gratitude that I would like to thank our families and carers for making alternate arrangements to enable our Professional practice days this Tuesday. In line with our teaching agreement our staff dedicated a day to learn, research, reflect, plan and present key learning relevant to the grade they lead. Our learners provide key feedback and voice in supporting our teachers in being better educators. Our PIVOT data has been used by teachers to generate some action research and new practice as a direct result of learner feedback. Some of the improved practice and learning has been impressive. 


Currently, myself and key leaders are meeting with all staff for an Annual review meeting. These meetings are part of our professional practice that allow us to reflect on our growth over a year, table next steps and intentions. As the Principal, I too welcome feedback from the staff on what we as a collective can do better. Much time and energy are invested in these meetings and the data used to drive school improvement. In these meetings staff share possibilities for the next school year. I will be hopeful of advertising 2024 positions at the close of this term to ensure we have the best possible educators in front of our learners. 


This week we have continued to prepare for our pending NSIT review. This process is highly effective and informative for our whole school community. St Mary’s has not taken part in a full review for nearly five years so the recommendations, commendations and affirmations will also provide greater insight of next steps for our school. Thank you to the parents who have placed their name on the available form, your attendance will be confirmed via email next week. If any other parents or carers would like to be a part of the facilitated discussion please record your name and details here; NSIT Parent Group 


Over the past week all learners have received a Student ID card for St Mary’s. This ID card does support Public Transport Victoria travellers however is not relevant for our NSW bus travellers. St Mary’s has been informed that many of our bus travellers are ‘bus swapping’ and this is not allowed under our agreed bus travel arrangements. As a school we are colour coding our bus travellers to support and ensure our children travel on the correct bus. We ask that parents and carers ensure your child is using the correct bus as lodged on your PTV application. 

Student ID cards for non bus travellers are still a resource that is needed to be kept in your child’s school bag. These cards assist with late and early departure via the school administration area. 


Even though we are in term 3 and have 16 weeks of exceptional fun and learning to complete our year, we recognise that all families become busier toward the end of the year and are looking for key dates for planning. We are striving to have our Compass calendar up to date for the rest of the year. Please check Compass regularly to align your home calendars. Our websites are also up to date with our 2023 Closure days.  


On Monday 14th August St Mary’s has their Semester Two Learning conversations. This semester we are trying something a little different where we host the conversations while the children are at school. Our learners will be in their colour house groups taking part in multi-age peer learning experiences that deepens their knowledge about the story of our founding saints and how they have contributed to our St Mary’s story. The learners will take part in ICT, spirituality, art, physical education, prayer and a movie throughout the day. We look forward to concluding the day with a small assembly to share our team learning. 


To end our week we have our St Mary’s Big Night out! Thank you to all of the parents who have contributed to the organisation of this evening and it will be great to catch up with many of you there. 


Take Care & God Bless, 


Jasmine Ryan
